Saturday, February 8, 2025

Day 38 And On It Goes

This may contain: a woman holding up two pieces of puzzle to her face


 My sister came to visit me today. We hadn't visited since before Christmas when we attended a play in Lynchburg. I've never been to Broadway, but my sister has been a couple of times. She agreed with my sight unseen opinion that this production was as good as any Broadway show could be. The superiority of the acting and the sets were so well instructed and score masterful. I can hardly wait until next year. The tickets were given to me by a friend, but as soon as they begin to post the show, I'll be the first one to purchase tickets. It's that good! 

Since that evening, my sister and I have not seen each other face to face, because I have been fighting  health challenges, and she has as busy a schedule as mine with church and family responsibilities. Add to that some bad weather days, and there ya go. She told me that she was beginning to think I didn't want her to come over. I guess it could have appeared that way, but I haven't seen anyone or been anywhere except church which is right across the road. I'm not even sure if I'll make it this week, unless I can get this tenacious crud under control. But, we had a nice visit, and she helped me with my puzzle, the one I can't seem to get together. She agrees with my son that this puzzle is impossible! But, I am still going to persevere, even if it takes me three more months. I tried moving it off the kitchen table, but it was too hard to manage from an oval tabletop. Alas, I will continue as is and in stride.

We managed to catch up on each other's family goings on, and the visit was a good  one, with the promise of getting out next week to check on the flowers on our parents' grave site, and we want to check out the new Elephant's Trunk shop in Old Town Petersburg. She told me that she and her husband had purchased a new car. Not too long ago she purchased a used car with low mileage at a good price, but it has turned out to be a money grubbing lemon. It spends more time in the shop than on the road. So, after one last tow to the garage, she decided enough was enough. Soon she will be the proud owner of a GMC Accordia, moving on up in society. I hope this one serves her much better, and she isn't left stranded by the road anymore. After buying a couple of brand new lemons myself, I have become a die hard Nissan Sentra lover, and I hope I never need to buy another car in this lifetime. This is my third one, and they each have more than served me honorably.

So that was my day, relaxing and somewhat eventful after adding a few pieces of puzzle to the mix. Hopefully, after my day of rest, no two days of rest, I can approach the challenge with a new attitude. Wish me success!

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