Magnets adorn my refrigerator, hiding the rust and ugly of this archaic, but faithful appliance, left to me when I purchased my parent's home. Just another treasure I inherited along with my aged home. This house is a treasure chest amidst much needed repairs, however, as it still works. Nonetheless, it is my home. I have always loved magnets with vibes and inspiration. I think it's important to surround myself with things that matter, and everyone needs motivation and encouragement, and mini pep talks.
I think this speaks for itself, and I find it to be very accurate. True friendship is hard to come by, because people have so many hangups, and they cannot get over the shortcomings of others. Much like the Pharisee in Luke 18:9-14 who stands in the public square berating the man crying out for God's mercy: "The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.'" This attitude did not bode well for him, as Jesus replies, "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."
Wow, this one is packed with motivation, plus a kick in the seat. Yes, the Bible teaches us to live intentionally, as we influence others with our words, actions, and deeds. We need to seize the day, laugh, move from our comfort zones, but all in all we need to be responsible, learn from our mistakes, appreciate what we have, and who we have as friends. There is so much ingratitude in the world today, and people, including Christians, who should be the most grateful of all for God has done for us and is still doing, do not "see" with clarity. I wrote blog on being dauntless a year or so go, and I do believe in staring fear in the face, but we cannot be foolish and on go Fear Factor just to prove a point, notwithstanding win $50,000. If you've never seen the series, take a gander. The contestants show utter foolishness in putting their lives and health in jeopardy. Who wants to drink a milkshake made from animal organs, nasty bugs, and a mix of other repulsive and vile ingredients for money?! It makes me sick just thinking about it. So, do what you love, continue to learn, and practice wellness! This means stay away from runaway vehicles, jumping off buildings, and eating totally gross, unhealthy food. Try working a job you love to do!
Alas, this one is more sensible, at least to my way of thinking. Taking risks can sometimes be a good thing, particularly if you see a child in the road with an out of control driver bearing down on them. By all means, take the leap! This may seem to others to care more about others than one's own safety, but I understand this. My older son thinks that I'm nuts, because I "actually" care about people. He considers it both a low and high part of my qualities. I'm a huge dreamer, but I sometimes wonder if I will ever see them come to fruition. But on the other hand, I do expect more, and I believe in the visions I've been given. At the same time, I am getting older, but then Abraham had quite a wait, as did Joseph, and let us not forget the 40 years of wandering in the desert for Moses. I always tell my kids that they can do whatever they want to do, and I remind them that age is not a factor. I had an appointment with my "financial planner" this morning, and he said my values had merit. I laugh, because this is a puny account that I have, because I have cared more about others than what some may consider unwise. But in the long run I'd rather be able to say that I paid forward the gifts God entrusted to me with those in need.
Everyone should know by now that I love dancing! When I am discouraged or an inkling of self-doubt or self-pity tries to inch itself into my thoughts, I turn on the music. I'm listening to Elevation Worship perform the song "Praise" as I write these words. It's hard to just sit here and write. Singing is another up-lifter for me. Who can be down when we can sing. I used to sing in church, but I don't know if those days are over. So, I still dream.
As far as loving like I've never been hurt...let me just say that when one truly surrenders and abides in Christ, sooner or later, His love will fill and consume your heart and mind. I often wondered what would happen if I encountered some of my betrayers and accusers, but when I did, I was pleased to say I passed the test. I pray this will be my response if I cross paths with any others. My love and compassion for all people, regardless of their shortcomings, are a result of His love flowing through me. So yes, I live in heaven on earth as long as I remember that this world is not my home, and one day Jesus is coming back for me.
Yesterday, I wrote about running the race of the high calling of Jesus Christ. It is hard, sometimes impossible, and we want to give in, but don't! The prize is so worth it, and we don't have to eat bugs, worms, and other despicable things. We simply keep our eyes focused on the Author and Finisher of our faith.
I am doing what makes me happy every day. As I sit here typing this blog, I am sharing the amazing life that I've been given. In spite of the bad paths, thistles, and thorns, my life has been an adventure. I hear the words "Jesus have it all, Jesus have it all, blessing and all honor, majesty and awe." What makes me happy is making Him happy. When I am praying for others, being His hands and feet in the community, or sharing with friends, family, and anyone who will listen, then that's what makes me happy, because this is what He said do.
I'm waiting for the next step of my journey, whenever the call may come. In the meantime, I am occupying until He comes.
And this quotation, my friends, is my final say, because I know that wherever I go, whatever I do, and whomever I meet, Jesus is with me directing my path.
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