Monday, February 24, 2025

Day 54 Seated in Heavenly Places

This may contain: a woman riding on the back of a white horse next to a quote from an angel



I slept very soundly last night; in fact, I went to bed earlier than I have in a very long while. So when I woke up this morning, I discovered that, although I thought I'd accomplished certain daily tasks, I forgot some of the more important ones. So, I said my sorries and finished up, and I decided to begin to make finish these studies first thing in the morning as part of my early morning devotional time. My day still started well, as I always hope it will, and the prayer call worship lifted my spirit higher and higher.

Different worship leaders always begin our call, but the gentleman I favor most is Ken Soltys whose ministry is Project7thTrumpet. He blows a mean horn  - trumpet, plays the piano, and blasts the shofar. I'm sure his musical talents extend more widely, but another of his talents is speaking from his heart the mysteries of God. Well, actually, he shares what God has taught him, as he leaned in to listen to God's voice or sought Him regarding portions of the word. This morning as he began, he reminded listeners of some important truths about our position in Christ. He spoke things I've been trying to get folks to understand for a long time, and it is spelled so simply, yet eloquently in the writings of Paul. 

Ephesians begins with Paul speaking of Christ ascending to Heaven, taking the seat at the right hand of Our Father, where He makes intercession for us, His followers. Sound familiar, as I've said it before, probably more than once. I tend to repeat myself, but it's important for every believer to know and understand. Because in the second chapter, Paul reminds us that we are seated beside Jesus, spiritually, so we have a great vantage point from the Heavenly seat, as we pray. This "seat" is our position in Christ, and it is one of victory over our enemies. Our battle is not with flesh and blood. It is spiritual. 

Ken was speaking about people gathered to worship God, inviting Him to come to them. I sometimes feel like I am being judgmental when I hear someone say, "Let's invite God in the house (church service), because if believers have Holy Spirit indwelling in them, why would He need to be invited?! We should desire for our worship to so please God, that Holy Spirit lifts us high into the Heavens into the presence of God. He doesn't come to us. He indwells or abides in us as we abide in Him. Remember what Jesus said about that in John 15. So, He already is with us when we walk into the church building, unless we left Him home. I was excited that someone finally said it out loud! Besides me, but I just talk to God about things, and perhaps a few others when I'm in preaching mode. For me it was another "my cup runs over" moment, because someone felt as I did. In fact, his exhortation was well received by all on the GPC.

He sang older songs, too, some of my favorites - "You Are Awesome in This Place" and "I Exalt Thee." Two older songs, but wonderful all the same, and meant to be sung daily. They set the tone for my day, and brought a new song to my heart. What a way to begin a morning! A week! A particularly difficult one actually, or perhaps, just more challenging. But who knows how it will go, as our prayers ascend to heaven, as sweet smelling incense to our Father. That's the proper mindset! Have a blessed day!


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