Friday, January 31, 2025

Day 30 Planting of the Lord

This may contain: a large tree sitting on the side of a river


Today we celebrate Rosh Chodesh and the Jewish month of Shevat, and our discussion concerned the importance of trees in Israel. Fruit trees abound in Israel, and trees are planted in honor of others, remembering their lives. The importance of life is celebrated in Israel as it should be every where. I have much to learn about the significance of the Hebrew months, although the scriptures speak of times, dates, seasons as being highly significant. In fact the tribe of Issachar was described as understanding the times, knowing what Israel ought to do (1 Chronicles 12:32), and they were sought out for wisdom in discerning the times and seasons.

In studying what scripture has to say about trees. The tree of life mentioned in Genesis in the Garden of Eden is also mentioned in Revelation 2:7 in the latter to the church in Ephesus:

"To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God."

and in Revelation 22:1-2: "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

The scriptures goes on to use trees as a source of strength and fruitfulness. Our lives are about yielding fruit. As we grow in our knowledge and understanding of God through relationship with Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit dwelling within us to lead us closer to Jesus, reminding us of His teaching, we bear fruit from the testimony of our lips. Proverbs 18:20-21 speaks of the importance of our speech, our words, and we are taught to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

"A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; from the produce of his lips he shall be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." 

While the children of Israel were wandering in the desert for 40 years, the Lord God fed them with manna from heaven. We know that Jesus told His disciples that He was bread (manna) of life, and those who ate of Him (abide in Him) would never die. Sadly, many did not understand His parables, so they left Him after He spoke these words. In Ephesians 6 when the whole armor of God is explained, the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and Jesus as the living Word. He lives life, and His words are powerful and are to be as a sword of the Spirit wielded in power to silence the enemy. I will discuss the importance of putting on the spiritual armor of God in another lesson, but suffice it to say, we are to put on the whole armor of God daily.

In John 15 Jesus uses the analogy of the vine and branches to explain our relationship with Him and His Father. "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-dresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit (vs 1-2). Verse 4: "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." What does it mean to bear much fruit? Galatians 5:22-23 describes the fruit of the Spirit (Holy Spirit dwelling in us): "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." Bearing fruit means putting on the character of Christ which is the process of sanctification whereby we grow more like Jesus in character. Two more analogies of trees are given:

Psalm 92:12-15: "The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing. To declare that the LORD is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him."

Psalm 1:1-3 "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly; nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in his law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the river of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper."

Psalm 1 is one of my favorite scriptures that I memorized as a small child. The importance of the words have grown within me over the years, but it defines life hidden in Christ as being grounded, rooted in Him, nourished and enriched, and producing good fruit. 

This is only a shadow or a tiny glimpse into the richness of the Word of God, and of all He has for us as we dwell in His presence, growing in His wisdom, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened, so we might know the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (Ephesians 1:17-19).

Day 29 Just Wondering

This may contain: a child holding a toothbrush in his mouth with the caption'the world can learn a lot from this photo it's child has nothing to eat but when he was given two lollipops


How could anyone not see this photo and not be affected? A photojournalist reporting on one of many such scenes depicting starving children and widowed mothers begging for food to feed their starving, malnourished children. All this while keeping a watchful eye out for the the ones who have caused such devastation, as they often return to pillage, rape, torture, and burn down homes and kill again. This photo could have easily been taken in a number of countries, but my guess would be Nigeria or Mozambique, as they are two of the hardest hit areas today. I have been following and praying with others for the nations of the world, some more impacted than others. Each year I receive a list from Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs listing the 50 most persecuted nations in the world, so I stay briefed about what's happening and where. 

With modern technology an app can be installed on my cell phone alerting me of attacks in villages in real time, so I could pray. The alarms were going off so often that I had to remove it. It's one thing to see a list or receive monthly updates, but it's harder to swallow when things are happening at the very moment, and all I can do is pray. A helpless feeling comes over me, and it grieves me so knowing so many innocent children are living in areas where gunfire and mayhem are a way of life. The nation of Israel also has a phone app alerting the citizens to find the closest bomb shelter at any given time. Imagine anyone having to live that way much less children, and yet, it is a way of life.

As a teenager I dreamed of being a foreign correspondent or joining the Peace Corp, but I don't know if I could stomach all the evil in the world. My humanitarian inclinations, wanting to save mankind from squalor and mayhem, still burn bright and strong. Now days I don't know if I'd know which direction to focus my attention. It's hard enough to sort through the stacks of mail or the emails on my computer trying to decide who I can financially support. Retirement for me has not been about traveling to exotic or historic cities or glamorous locations, staying at luxury resorts and dining in fancy restaurants. I'd rather feast on a garbanzo bean feast, as I was privileged to do one cold, snowy afternoon after hiking to one of my client's homes in northern New Mexico. My car couldn't make it over the icy knowles, so I had to hike to an appointment in one of the rural areas. I've avoided some serious repercussions of my impulsiveness, as the woods were full of predators at the time. I have to laugh at some of my antics, but at least I made it safely. God has always smiled on me, and He even sent a traveling nurse along that lonely road on that day to rescue me from the coyotes or wolves. Even animals get hungry, and sassy ole ladies make a tasty snack.

So much relevance is placed on the accumulation of wealth and buying stuff, mostly not needed. I spoiled my children, not wanting them to feel less, but in the long run it seldom works. The more one has, the more one wants. Greed and selfishness are a way of life, and it is never enough.

This little fellow shown above has found a better way, a selfless, giving spirit, unconcerned about the size of his little arms or how many ribs are showing on his half-naked body. I'd say he's far richer than most people I know. How I wish I could give him a big hug and tell him I love him. I've only been on one missionary trip in my lifetime and one foreign country. One summer I went to Belize to the Mayan rain forest for Vacation Bible School. I only went once, but it has remained with me for years. The children followed us around the village, eager to see anything they could see. Dressed in clothing donated by churches, etching out a simple living, eating what they grew or what was given to them when the missionaries came. They loved scraps of paper and bits of soap. Grateful for the ten days we were there. I often wonder about that time. Oh, how I wish, how I wish....

                   This may contain: the earth with words from mark 8 32

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Day 28 Teach Us to Number Our Days

Single dream


Tuesday nights I spend an hour with like-minded people (crazy about Jesus) who are becoming my good friends. Tonight I exchanged cell numbers with two of them. That's a huge step for me. One is involved in two prayer ministries to which I belong, and the other is involved in several prayer ministries that I am familiar with and have participated in the past. So it goes with the others in the group. We are each involved in the same pursuit, intercessory prayer, and we have found ourselves together. It has been a desire of mine to find my "tribe," so to speak. Jacob's Tent, a church in Tennessee, puts members into tribes, similar to small groups where they can grow spiritually and as friends and family members, helping each other, following the laws God in Torah. Of course I am merely an online member, as I do not live in Cleveland, Tennessee, but I have a sense of belonging, and I love studying Torah and the feasts. Jewish music mingled with worship music lifts me to heaven and invites the presence of God. I love Shabbat. I'm glad Abba commanded us to take a day of rest. I definitely need it, and since I love worshiping, I take Sunday as well. Both are holy to me and to the Lord.

Last week I was drawn to the scripture found in Psalm 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." The verses following are "Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days! Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, the years in which we have seen evil. Let Your work appear to Your servants, and Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands" (vv13-17). These verses have been popping up repeatedly in my daily reads, and even in my prayer groups. Perhaps the Lord wants us to pay attention to what He's trying to tell us.

Many times I feel that in our prayer points and other resources, new books to read, and other great material that we are missing the point. Yes, we are meant to study, read, and learn from others, and we are to pray about everything. In fact that verse is found in Philippians 4:6-7: "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (NLT) All this is important and scriptural, but we can become so involved in reading and reciting and lists that we do not spend the time at the feet of Jesus. I spoke a little about this yesterday, so I won't labor over the point. I just want to stop the "noise" that burdens me and takes my attention away from seeking first His kingdom.

I love being part of intercessory prayer, as I love fellowship with the Lord. I talk to Him about everything. We do everything together. I have grown so accustomed to walking through the house talking to Jesus that when I first moved back home, my son thought I was either talking to him or to myself. I had grown comfortable being alone for so many years that I'll talk out loud to Abba. I'll sing, I dance and spin. My son tells me that I seem to be the happiest when I'm worshiping with Jacob's Tent. It wouldn't surprise me if I found out that I have Jewish blood. How great would that be!

When I think about numbering my days, making each day count, I remember the dreams I have to help others. About my home for misfit toys where people can come, work, play, live, learn that they are valuable and have gifts. I can see it in my mind, and all three of my children are a part of the ministry. A large country farm, several acres, a big white house with a barn and many animals - more unwanted misfits. I have always loved what everyone else tosses away. I see beauty in things, and I see beauty and potential in people. I know what it means to be laughed at or told I cannot do a certain thing for one reason or another. At this home, this shared dream, no one would be laughed at or pushed aside. It would be a place of dreams and preparation. Abba gave me these desires, and although my years are advancing I just cannot seem to get them out of my head. So I'll wait and dream, and I'll look for land in the country. I'm grateful for the life Abba has given me, for His forgiveness over the time I missed doing different things. He's taken me down many roads, and I have learned many things and one many things I never dreamed of doing. I want to use the gifts He's given me. I don't want to waste a second of my life. That's why I'm trying so hard to blog, because He said to write. I pray something I say is thought worthy.

Lord, teach me to number my days so I can do what You put me here to do. I want to honor the plans You have for me, and I want to share with others the love You have for each one. Thank You for giving me a heart of compassion, and whatever I do, or say, or wherever I go, may I bring honor and glory to Your great name.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Day 27 Create the Life

This may contain: a black and white drawing of a street light with roots growing out of the pole


"Create the Life You Want" is the name of the devotional in my "60 Days of Prayer" reading, encouraging the reader to reflect and focus on the person they want to become. It's interesting, because some days I am energetically engaged in living the life, then others, not so much. As many know, I journal daily and have done so for far too many years, and way too many journals, that is, to many to re-read and reflect upon. Many, I'm certain, that if I spent the time, I would toss away, not caring to relive some of it. Yet, if I did that, then I would not remember God's faithfulness at a every point in my life, perhaps, although the adversary is so dedicated to enhancing my memory of hard times. It seems that lately all I do is share the gruesome details, in a discreet, uplifting, positive manner, in response to questions we share in the current Bible study in which I am involved. I've lived a long life, so my experience has spanned far wider than the other community members. I hope that in sharing others may be encouraged to remain focused on Christ,  as challenges make us stronger when we trust in the Lord.

Yesterday I was rummaging through the pages of my journals looking for a dream I had some years ago. I've never forgotten it, and I have been waiting for the meaning to become clearer. I just wanted a clear date when God spoke to me. God always gives wise counsel that is always backed by His word. That's the important thing. He is a covenant-keeping God who never changes, confirming all things regarding life and godliness in His word. Sometimes I get hung up on time, like today. Moses was 40 years old when he ran away from those threatening to take his life over the nasty business of his killing an Egyptian who was hurting an Israelite. Moses remained on the back burner of the wilderness, tending sheep who have little to say and required much care and caution. Caleb was 40 years old when he scouted out Canaan, then he had to wander with the doubtful unbelievers in the desert for another 40 years, before he was able to take back the portion of land given to him in Canaan and settling into life. In fact even then, Caleb had to chase out the inhabitants living in the city of Hebron and the surround foothills. There are many examples of delayed visions and death to vision in the scriptures; however, we learn that nothing is truly lost if it is God-breathed. Everything is done in God's timing, God's way. We can see the process of waiting in Joseph's life. Waiting for it is often so hard! I wonder if I've missed something, but when I ask, I hear the same reassuring response, "keep doing the last thing." Now what does that even mean??!!

For me the last thing was the word, "stand." Prior to that it was "1000 cubits." And prior to that "Keep your eyes on the Captain of the Army," and then "Cut off the head of the snake." I also am told "Do you trust Me," to which I respond "Yes," rather hesitantly and weakly, because usually something unforeseen  happens. It's one of those, "Yes, of course, I do (weakly spoken); why do You ask, Lord?" responses. But He's patient with me and often doesn't say anything else. I feel "the look" on His face and subsequent "smile" rise at the corners of His mouth, shaking His head so lightly, looking at Jesus who says, "That's Our Linda!" I know I create much laughter in heaven, at my expense, but that's okay, because He also says, "You belong to Me."

I am, however, doing one thing daily that He asked me to do, and something I love to do - write! I haven't written "the story" yet, but at least I am writing something, even if it is senseless! I know that I am very passionate about many things that involve the Kingdom of God. I feel that I am always led back to Matthew 5, known as the Sermon on the Mount, as a reference point. Yesterday I'd say verse 6 of Matthew 5 was on my mind when I wrote my post: 

Pin page

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Matthew 5:6


I imagine I could have chosen a less formidable image, but it seem appropriate. Can I get a little smile, Lord? I am finding that as often as He sends me back to the same scriptures, then I must be missing something, right? Actually, I do see the relevance of it all. There have been, and continue to be, many questions about these passages. I don't have very many answers, but I know who does, so I am relying on His wisdom to get me through this lingering process of learning to listen! This is why I am so drawn to worship that goes beyond the agenda or Sunday bulletin. I am a spontaneous, by the seat of my britches Christian, who loves to linger in His presence. I want to feel His presence and hear directly from Him. It is so exciting abiding in His presence, making it a place to dwell.

So, "Create the Life You Want," is not about the life "I" want, rather it is the life God has planned to live through my life, by the power of Holy Spirit dwelling in me. I could not do it otherwise.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Day 26 Unpleasant Things

 This may contain: a teddy bear holding a pen and writing on a piece of paper next to an old telephone


"How shall I say this, let me see. I don't know how to do dictation. Isn't it a lost art? Okay, lemme hear that again. Okay, got it, or at least I think I did. Yes, right away...yep, no problem." This little guy is overstating the obvious - he simply does not want to be doing what he is being asked to do. He's not feeling up to the challenge. How well I can relate. Hopefully, today will be a step up from yesterday, but like the bear, sometimes the things I need to do get tedious before I even begin. But today, is my day of rest, so I have time to...yep, ya got it...think!

Actually, my mind is so preoccupied with many, many things, that there is never a time when I am not thinking about or writing about them in my journal. I've noticed lately that my journal writing is incoherent. The words are scrunched together or stop mid-word, so the thoughts I am trying to express are lost. I guess this is a sign that I need more rest, or perhaps less reflection.

Today I was reminded of great evil that exists in this world, as if I need reminding, the reports are delivered to me daily in my emails. Again, things that should never be seen, cannot be unseen. I weep for the victims, especially the children, God's most precious ones. It was devastating to learn that here in America, home of the brave and land of the free, that a bill to protect the lives of abortion survivors, passed in the House, but when it went to the Senate for their approval, it failed, because every Democrat voted against it. This is appalling to me, especially since many of them profess to have faith in God. As a biologist, even though I am "retired," I continue to follow research. I imagine, considering the high market for fetal body parts, that once the unwanted live infant has been given 28 days, whose life is considered inconsequential, is "offed," the sale of whole parts might be even more lucrative, especially to traffickers. This is my speculation, but it is a ghastly business, is it not?! 

Later in the afternoon, I had a notification of a friend's comment on a video, so I decided I'd take time to check it out. I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook other than to post my prayer updates and information all Americans, especially Christians, should find important. I may be wrong on that one, as I see little courage in people, even some I follow. It is considered activism to say how I feel, I guess. If I am an activist or a Zionist, because I stand with Israel (Am Yisrael Chai), or because I care about the persecution and slaughter of Christians all across the globe, turmoil in our colleges, about young people so confused, and on and on, then call me what you want. I belong to Jesus Christ, and I serve Abba alone. 

So, with all that said (I do not like that expression either), the video shared yesterday by Greg Locke, another controversial pastor, revealed a deeper, darker American pastime. This is also an area of activism, as I post less verbally graphic information, as I would hate to harm the sensitivities of those reading. Greg Locke is known for casting out demons, and this would be a huge victory in this area of the world, Bangkok. Pastor Greg was revealing facts about his recent trip to Bangkok and the horror of the child trafficking in the area. Children as young as 4, he stated, bring the highest price in this business, girls and boys. He spoke of a certain area, the heart of the vile action, where young ones, 10-12 years old, dressed to appear "older," drugged to keep them obedient, are cat calling customers as they enter. A den of thieves, congested with men, including Americans on holiday, vying for the one that catches their eye, girls scantily clad. Greg and his team are there for rescue, at a different location naturally, as this devil's den would be suicide. He continued to give further details, eyes pleading for prayer. He tells his listeners that the United States does not have this level of moral depravity, but I wonder. If the market for aborted babies doesn't turn one's stomach, perhaps this might. I could go on, but I won't, as I hope my thoughts are obvious. I care about everyone and everything, because God loves everyone, especially little children. He warns those who would harm children of His judgment (Matthew 18:6-10).

The Torah reading for Shabbat was from Exodus, God has heard the cries of His people and is sending Moses to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, demanding him to "Let My People go!" Sound familiar? I love the old movie, The Ten Commandments, with Charlton Heston as Moses. It's an old movie, greater than old, and it dates me to speak of it, unless someone is a connoisseur of golden oldies, as am I. It is a great reminder of the challenges faced by the children of Israel, and the torment of being slaves to Egyptians, when the promised land was within their grasp. Or so they thought. God told Moses and Aaron to go to Pharaoh and relay His message strongly, or they would suffer the consequences. God also said that He was going to harden Pharaoh's heart. Over a series of failed attempts to persuade him to let His people go, God was able to move on Pharaoh's heart. God's ways are definitely not our ways, but He does what He thinks is best for His children. Persecution for Christians is very prevalent these days in America, but I doubt anyone would heed the command should they hear God's voice and similar instructions. No one would willingly rush into a fire! But then, there may be someone who feels compelled to leap into the fray without hesitation. I used to be that person, but I question my reliability should I be asked to do so now. And yet, I just did.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Day 25 What is Real?

This may contain: a drawing of a rabbit sitting on top of a table


Quiet, and oh so cold! It's a time for lying around in pajamas, snuggled in a warm bed with fleece covers, and sipping on a mug of hot chocolate loaded with marshmallows. That's my idea of a slice of heaven. Today, knocking around the house brought back special memories of my parents, especially my daddy's stories he shared with me. Not to mention that exasperating puzzle I am still trying to finish. Puzzles were more of my mama's thing. I wish she was here to help me finish this one. 

My parents passed away on the same day, three years apart. I was privileged to share my thoughts with others when I did daddy's eulogy. I shared a portion of a story that reminded me of daddy, and I thought, perhaps, it may hold special meaning for the reader as well. It comes from the child's story called "The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams. The story is about the toys in the boy's nursery:

"The Skin Horse had lived longer in the nursery than any of the others. He was so old that his brown coat was bald in patches and showed the seams underneath, and most of the hairs on his tail had been pulled out to string bead necklaces. He was wise, for he had seen a long succession of mechanical toys arrive to boast and swagger, and by-and-by break their mainsprings and pass away, and he knew that they were only toys, and would never turn into anything else. For nursery magic is very strange and wonderful, and only those play-things that are old and wise and experienced like the Skin Horse understand all about it. 

'What is REAL?' asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy up the room. 'Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handles?'

'Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.'

'Does it hurt?' asked the Rabbit.

'Sometimes,' said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. 'When you are Real you don't mind being  hurt." 

'Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,' he asked, 'or bit by bit?'

'It doesn't happen all at once,' said the Skin Horse. 'You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been rubbed off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.'

'I suppose you are Real?' said the Rabbit. And then he wished he had not said it, for he thought the Skin Horse might be sensitive. But the Skin Horse only smiled.

'The Boy's Uncle made me Real,' he said. 'That was a great many years ago; but once you are Real you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always.'"



Saturday, January 25, 2025

Day 24 Thinking Place

This may contain: a teddy bear sitting on top of a fallen tree


Here I am again. I should be rushing to get this blog out, and I'm sitting on a log, thinking. I do that a lot. I sit and think. 

So, what's been on my mind all day today?! Many things, actually, but for this post I'll focus on what I read for my morning devotional about being faithful in the little things. It seems as if I do little, so the focus part would be good. I laughingly told my group on Thursday that I think about what I need to do every day when I trip over the piles of papers to file or trash that are stack in my floor! We had been discussing the importance of organizing our days, as one lady was having problems in this area. We can all understand how that goes, right?! She has small children, however, so she has a valid excuse. Me, not so. Although, in my defense, I have not been feeling well this week, so that should cut me some slack. Really??? No, I don't buy into that one. I've always been a go getter, and I've kept going on many a day in my life when my health was not as good as it is now, even at my advancing age. Therefore, I make no excuses. I know what I have to do. Prioritize, that's the answer.

So I settle back again, against my pillow, and heating pad on my bum back, and think a little more, as I pick back up the little booklet. It reads, "God values faithfulness in all aspects of our lives. By being faithful in the small things, we demonstrate our readiness for greater responsibilities and blessings." Good words and true. I recall a verse that has guided my path, Zechariah 4:10: Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand." God loves it when we do the things we know to do. Naturally, the adversary will be faithful on his end to send someone to discourage and taunt, but God applauds our steps in the right direction. I'm attempting, after many prods and prompts, by writing a daily blog, anticipating that I will be so encouraged by someone to keep going. Sadly, the one friend who always gave me the thumbs up died shortly after I moved back home. I have many memories of my dear friend, Irma, but I miss her terribly. Remembering her comments help me to carry on. I haven't had many friends like that, but I do have friends, very dear to me, who "egg me on" in their unique ways. 

Sometimes my daughter, who still lives in New Mexico, calls and wants to watch a movie with me. She doesn't have a computer or cell phone, only her television and DVD player, but even though she's limited in technology, I can watch the movie on my end, while she does the same on her end. Later, we'll connect by phone and compare notes. Not perfect, but it works, and she finds it satisfying, as do I. Today, we watched two Christmas movies. 

I'm grateful that I can make the day better for my daughter, who suffers chronic illness and pain. We giggle, over silly things, but it's a reprieve from the normal for her. I understand that, because I have lived it myself and still do somewhat. But remember, we do not despise the little things, rather we are faithful in the small things we can do to improve our lives or those of another. I have a friend who lives in Florida. She used to work for me seasonally when I managed the gift shop at Angel Fire Resort. She's retired now, lives in a small apartment complex with others her age and older. Each day she asks God to bring her someone to help. He's faithful  to bring the need, and she is faithful to answer it, even when it is not convenient. She is one of the kindest, self-less people I have ever had the privilege to work with or get to know. Her life-long, best friend lives in Florida as well, so each is strengthened by the other. I ache for that relationship myself, but the way to have friends, is to be one, so I am trying to be available. I want to be available. I read a little saying once that is attributed to John Wesley, but this saying is an abbreviated version: "Do as much as you can, for as many as you can, for as long as you can." That's my motto.

So, here I am thinking about it, considering what tomorrow may bring. I am anxiously anticipating the release of four more hostages from Israel, and tomorrow is Shabbat! So, I have huge things to think about for tomorrow already. Time to crawl down from my thinking spot off the log, and get busy! Perhaps more people should spend a little more time thinking, especially before speaking or acting on impulse, but considering the Wesleyan approach. Time to get off the log, me thinks.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Day 23 Walking Near

 This contains an image of:



Tonight, as I shuffled through prayer point sheets from the past few weeks, I asked Abba to quiet my heart as I tried to center my thoughts on Him. The needs are always so many and often urgent, and I believe it is possible to make prayer more of how I have been directed to pray or think I should pray than taking the time to sit and ask Him to truly direct me. All prayer comes from the heart of God who understands all our needs. There are times when I sit and worship, and pray in the Spirit, knowing His will is done and He meets the needs without my saying a word. Tonight I wasn't feeling very confident in my ability to hear His voice. Of course I realize the source of my feelings of inadequacy, but beyond that I know that when I am tired, I just cannot focus.  I had just completed my group study through Harvest Ministries that I host on Thursdays. We are studying the book of Nehemiah and how to handle criticism that surely follows a Christian who diligently seeks the presence of the Lord. When Nehemiah heard distressing news from home his first response was prayer with weeping and a time of repentance, personal and for his people in Jerusalem. Once he accomplished this place of intercession, he could confidently approach the king whom he served for permission to go to Jerusalem. This took much courage on his part, but God was with him.

Upon reaching Jerusalem and assessing the situation, Nehemiah was able to determine the best course of action. Naturally, the enemy sent his henchmen to try to discourage him and stop the work God had sent him there to do. But Nehemiah had come prepared for battle, knowing full well the task would be daunting. Many great men and women in scripture approached a holy God in this way. Often fasting was included in preparation before the task, as in the case of Queen Esther. She knew the cost of going before the king without being asked, because to do, could mean her death, but she went nonetheless, as her people's lives were in jeopardy. 

Whenever we are faced with decisions, obstacles to those decisions, and consequences of potentially choosing the wrong decision, the best response, only response, is to call on our Lord in prayer. So many times our first response is to turn to other people, wanting to hear a human voice, before we turn to God. Abba so longs for relationship with us, and for us to instinctively run into His arms for solace and love. He's always waiting with open arms and an open heart. Sometimes the weight of the problem is so heavy that we wonder if God hears our prayers, but I assure you that He does. Remember, I began by saying that all prayer originates in the heart of God. He know more about us than we know about ourselves, so He definitely knows our needs and our heart's desires. Learn to trust Him, listen for His voice, even when you feel He hasn't heard or the answer you want is not the one you receive. I'll leave you with these words to consider as you grow in your relationship with our Father:

 "God is always within call, it is true; His ear is ever attentive to the cry of His child. But we can never get to know Him if we use the vehicle of prayer as we use the telephone - for a few words of hurried conversation. Intimacy requires development. We can never know God as it is our privilege to know Him by brief repetitions that are requests for personal favors and nothing more. That is not the way in which we can come into communication with heaven's King."   E.M. Bounds


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Day 22 Hind's Feet on High Places

This may contain: a woman standing in a field with her arms spread out to the side, wearing a flowing white dress


Habakkuk 3:19

The Lord God is my strength, and He shall make my feet

like hinds' feet, and He will make me walk

upon mine high places.

Hannah Hurnard wrote a little book called, Hind's Feet on High Places, about a young shepherdess named Much Afraid, who, as her name suggests, was troubled with fear. The story is about her escape from the Fearing Family and her physical and spiritual transformation reflected in her name change. Her journey is under the guidance of the Good Shepherd who helps her face and overcome her fear. It's really a delightful book, and one I've read many times. Much Afraid's story is representative to ours as we grow up in our Christian faith and learn to walk in God's wisdom and grace, transformed into His character and the image of Christ. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and He watches over us as He leads us beside the still waters, teaches us to lie in green pastures, and renews our souls.  

I find great comfort in reading the words of David in the Psalms, and the words of Jesus in the parables. When I feel a need to sit in God's lap and escape the emotions of my day, I find the words of scripture calming. Other times I will turn on the series The Chosen so I can imagine how Jesus felt, how He dealt with others, and of His relationship with His Father. Although it is a television series, Dallas Jenkins has gone to great lengths to hold forums with clergy from the different faiths, Christian, Jewish, and Catholic to make certain the script is Biblically sound. There has been much criticism about the authenticity of the series, but I still find strength and a clearer understanding of how things could have been in Bible times. Why is it that Christians have to scrutinize everything even to the point of skepticism and accusations, warning anyone who finds the message acceptable to stop watching it. 

Sadly, there will always be those who find something wrong with everything we do, say, or feel. There are always those who will criticize and cast doubt, especially on things that are "religious" in nature. We live in a very negative world, and much of it is because of the influence of the church. This should not be, as we should be examples of righteousness, plantings of the Lord, as the scriptures say. We fail so miserably, then wonder what has happened to our nation and world. The answer is simple, we have lost our first love. 

It is time to return to the Lord as the Author and Finisher of our faith. Seeking Him daily, giving first place to the study of His word, sitting at His feet listening and learning, and praying. Andrew Murray puts it this way:

"I beseech you, do not think little of the grace that you have 

a holy God who longs to make you holy. Do not think little of the voice of God 

which calls you to give time to Him in the stillness of the inner chamber, 

so that He may cause His holiness to rest upon you."

or E.M. Bounds:

"We can never expect to grow in the likeness of our LORD

unless we follow His example and give more time

to communication with the Father."

Imagine who we could be and how we might influence a hurting, fearful world if we follow the practice of our Shepherd King who gave everything to give us everything - life!



Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Day 21 A New Page

 This may contain: thomas eddison once said vision without exception is hallination that explains why writer's write it keeps us sane


This is the day after a huge victory for the people of America who voted for a return to One Nation Under God. The days of preparation have been exhausting, but the prayer, praise and worship have been a blessing and honor. But, just because the festivities are over as of noon today, intercession continues. Our President and his family, cabinet, and their families need our prayers, as do the members of Congress and our Supreme Court. 1 Timothy 2:1 exhorts us to pray for our leaders. This includes our State leaders too, and becoming involved in our State and local governments, school boards, county commission. We need to become engaged, in order to protect our families and the sovereignty of our nation. 

Fortunately, God has placed a leader in office who has a record of accomplishing what he says he will do. Too many people have listened to information about President Trump without checking the facts for themselves. This needs to change. You cannot know the truth unless you check it out for yourselves. Wouldn't you expect the same consideration. Besides which, President Trump is God's choice, and He has placed him in office. It really doesn't matter what anyone thinks, but I can say this about this man, he is not a criminal. And before anyone goes around accusing another person of a crime, remember what Jesus said to the men accusing the woman caught in adultery. "Ye without sin cast the first stone." One by one, the men departed, because we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. President Trump does not need criticism, he needs prayer and encouragement. He also deserves respect. 

This exhortation includes the church. Jesus is the head of government, not politics. As such we are to be engaged in government affairs, because they directly involve us in each area of our lives. When I was in high school, seniors had to take government as part of the required curriculum. We took history every year, and in college history was required. When I was growing up we knew the history of our State. I must admit that government was not a subject I liked, but I studied, because my graduation depended on it. Now I study, because as a citizen, I want to be savvy of the workings of our country. I have always encouraged my children to do the same, and to be aware.

As Christians, the criticism has to stop, and we need to obey God's commandments to love Him and secondly, love our neighbors as ourselves. Remember, life and death are in the power of the tongue. We will eat the fruit of it (Proverbs 18:21).

Today starts a new day. A new page in history. How will you spend it?!

Day 20 As the Tide Turns

 This may contain: a boat sitting on top of a sandy beach under a cloudy sky with the ocean in the background


By the time I awakened this morning, the ceasefire had started. I only missed it by an hour, as Hamas provided the names of the three hostages at approximately 4:30 am: Emily Damari, Romi Gonen, and Doron Streinbrecher. It was an exciting morning for me, as I watched these ladies restored to their families. All Israeli citizens in the area gathered to wait for their safe release, a bittersweet moment, because there remains many in captivity. One of the greatest characteristics of the Israeli people is they faithfully demonstrate the scriptural response found in Romans 12:15, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."

Notwithstanding the immense cost of the terms to the hostage release to Israel, our morning call was a time of praise and worship, and it was one of great expectation about America's inauguration today. At this writing I can joyfully say that a sense of relief covers our nation for those who realize that only God's great mercy answered our prayers. Now we continue to watch, pray, and stand as watchmen on the wall for Israel and America, that our nation will soon return to one nation under God. There is much work to be done, and we must continue to pray as Paul taught Timothy:

"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."

1 Timothy 2:1-2

 When asked by the religious leaders, who were trying to trick Jesus into saying something they could charge Him with saying, he responded to their question about the greatest commandment:

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.'"

It is my prayer that this will be a time of restoration for our nation, a return to God as the Author and Finisher of our faith. May we stand with Israel as God directs Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his decision making and as he uses Donald John Trump to stand in solidarity with Israel.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Day 19 Deal or No Deal

Heavenly Army Photos and Images | Shutterstock


It's 8:30 am Israel time, 1:30 am my time. The cease fire is supposed to begin, but once again, Hamas has not complied with the agreement by not providing the names of the first hostages to be released. As everyone watches, we hold our breath and wait. 

By 3:30 am the deal had not transpired, and it was uncertain as to whether the ceasefire and exchange of prisoners would take place. I decided to take a nap, and by the time I had awakened, the hostage release information required by Israel had been provided, and the ceasefire had taken effect. The three hostages arrived safely home, and although one young lady had lost two fingers, otherwise they were showing stable health. Hallelujah that perseverance had paid off. Now we wait for phase two of the agreement which includes the release of more Hamas prisoners. For each hostage returned, thirty prisoners will be released. If the hostage is an IDF soldier, I believe the rate of exchange of prisoners will be 50:1. This is a bittersweet deal, but the hostages must come home.

It's the eve of the inauguration, and all eyes are on America. The day is ripe with promise, as we trust God for the next phase in our history. We are grateful for God's hand of mercy and grace over our new President and his family and over JD Vance and his family. Continue to guide their way, Lord. We ask that You shield them from any assignments from the enemy, and we stand on Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon formed against him will prosper, and that every tongue that arises against him in judgment You, O Lord, will show to be in the wrong. May we keep our eyes trained on the Captain of the Armies of Heaven.  Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' Name.                                                                                                                                                                                        

Day 18 Could You Not Watch

Jesus' Agony in the Garden | The Word Among Us


 On Tuesday nights I attend a Zoom meeting with a few intercessors, and our prayer focuses on our nation and on the nation of Israel. We begin with worship always, as we can do nothing without the presence of God in our midst. Plus, worship is the best form of spiritual warfare. One of the ladies mentioned that she was having a very hard time staying awake. Several others could identify with that, including myself. As the days get closer to the inauguration, tension builds in the Middle East, and fires rage uncontrolled in California, , our eyes grew heavier as the warfare increased. Also on the table for Israel was the ceasefire and release of hostages, along with the interference of other nations pressuring Prime Minister Netanyahu for a decision. Each of us has other ministries and calls, so the pressure to keep up is often difficult. I know that it seems as if everyone is asking for special prayer at this certain time. I have been involved in intercession since the 70's - 80-s, internationally. Back then things seemed simpler, because I didn't have a 100 emails to wade through each day. I received snail mail, and rather than send emails to senators and representatives, I wrote actual letters. I used to blast those babies off the press. I was a fast typist, so I enjoyed writing. I kept journals back then, too, but I only have ones beginning in 1983 with me now. I've always loved to write. 

At this writing I have one day before I have to focus my attention on the prayer wall for our President, Israel, revival for colleges, Buddhism (each quarter my International Prayer Connect focuses on one of four groups - Buddhism, Muslim, Jewish, and Hinduism). I usually have a group from California with whom I pray, but they must be helping with the fires. Rest at ease, I am praying for California. My life is a life of prayer, and my life is often misunderstood by those close to me. Fortunately, my younger son, who lives with me, understands that this is the ministry call of my life. He just got up from bed and reminded me that I have an early call tomorrow so I better go to bed. I told him I needed to do a few things first, but I think I best go, or else I'll be falling asleep in the middle of a call. 

Jesus used to separate Himself from the crowds and His disciples to commune with His Father in prayer. He had much on His heart, and I'm sure knowing what laid ahead of Him brought much uneasiness+. The night He was betrayed, after eating the last supper with His disciples, telling them once more that He would be betrayed and killed, He took Peter, James and John with Him to watch and pray while He cried out in agony before His Father. He was in such torment knowing what He would endure, so He needed the support of His closest friends. Sadly, each time He returned to them, He found them asleep. He asked them, "Could you not watch with Me for an hour?" Basically, this is the situation in which we were finding ourselves, having to fight sleep. Fortunately, we have been able to overcome, but the battle is growing more intense as distractions mount. I call them distractions, because we have had so many in the past years popping up like fires, hardly extinguishing one flame before another comes. But we persevere, try to rest, but we must continue to watch and pray. This is the call.

Jesus is our example, and although the days are fraught with many discouragements, temptations to rest, and mounting concerns, we have committed to stand as watchmen on the wall. But this is only a small part of it. Balancing jobs, families, marriages, and family members who simply do not understand why we do what we do are is challenging. Jesus has shown us the example, the better way. He deliberately separated Himself from the needs and questions of others, and leaving his disciples in charge, went off to the hills to spend  time alone with His Father. This is our example, but we have to make the effort to avail ourselves of the opportunities God has provided and examine our hearts. It's so easy to get off track, but we press on, keeping our eyes on the prize set before us.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Day 17 Eeyore's Advice

 This may contain: an animated cartoon character with black hair and pink shoes, sitting on one leg in the air


As another new day dawns once more my peace and quietude has been disturbed. Personally, I think my resolve is being tested to see if I will continue to keep my focus. It seems as if everything I once had so neatly at my disposal is now a dis-shuffled mess, and pages just printed have mysteriously disappeared from the stack. I have a group meeting tonight to lead, plus a dozen other things to get accomplished. This is always the way it goes when I have much to do. My devotional for this morning encouraged me to not become discouraged with things I cannot change. Breathe, and take things at a slower pace. Good advice, but it is not always easy to do. In my case, however, it would be beneficial if I slowed down and rethought my priorities. 

Yesterday, my cell phone decided to give up the ghost, so I had to make a special trip to town to Verizon to find another phone. Today, I am attempting to set up the new phone with alarms for the next few days, ensuring I meet certain appointments. This is a busy weekend, and I am confused with this impossible schedule. To top it off, yesterday as I was getting into the car I slipped on the ice. My son caught me, so I thought I had avoided a mishap. Wrong. I exercised on the Gazelle before going to bed last night, and this morning I couldn't walk because of the pain in my lower back. I had to laugh at this not so laughable mess, but my son in Massachusetts is having a worse time of it. When I asked him how his day was going, he said his sewer pipe had broken, and his basement was filled with excrement, to put it nicely. This is the second time his basement has sprung a leak. This time is a bit more intimidating and urgent to address. The cost to repair the pipe is astronomical! Isn't that the way things go?!

This makes me think of Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh's dear friend. He always seems to be dragging his tail, so to speak, and his monotone voice never seems to lift, regardless of the circumstances. In thinking over the mishaps and ridiculous events of my days, I love how Eeyore responds,  “I was so upset, I forgot to be happy.” Or, in my son's case, “Use caution when standing by the river bank minding your own business. You might get bounced into the water.” I imagine I shouldn't make light of his trouble, but we both did kind of shake our heads. I guess it could be worse, right Eeyore?!

“The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.”


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Day 16 Pause and Reflect

Free Solitude on Swing Image | Download ...


Early mornings are my favorite times when I can quietly sip my coffee, thoughtfully enjoy my oatmeal, and talk to Abba. The past year and a half has been different, and although it has been a time of building closer ties with Israel, it has changed me in other ways. I feel as if I am part of a larger family, but I still like an outsider. Perhaps it's meant to be that way. Only God knows what He has planned for me, and I am content in knowing that He orders my steps.

This morning we are still waiting to see if the hostage release is going to happen, and if so, who will come home, and in what condition. The trauma of the long ordeal will require time to heal and be strengthened. This war has been so unimaginable, and the inhumanity is unfathomable. My simple mind does not want to understand or even think about the moral depravity of man. And yet, as Solomon put it, there's nothing new under the sun. Evil has always existed since the fall of man. But it is the heart of a man who can bring change.

In Genesis the account of Joseph's life is an example of God's faithfulness, as He uses hardship and injustice to bring about the plan He has using Joseph to save the nation. In the overview to my study in Genesis it reads, "God never wastes energy in the lives of His children. What He allowed to come into Your life yesterday has helped prepare you for today, and what today brings will better equip you for tomorrow." I have definitely found this to be true in my life.

Although the path is uncertain we are definitely entering into a new season as we wait for the imminent return of Jesus. May He find our lamps lit with plenty of oil, watching for His return.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Day 15 The Wonder of God

Winnie The Pooh Quotes – Arias Writing ...


When I was 57 years old God healed me of many chronic conditions and hideous pain, to include "incurable" conditions. I have never really listened to doctors, nor have I accepted the word "incurable" as an alternative. In my youth, my daddy did what he could do to try to find out causes and remedies. Bless him, he spent so much time and money he did not have on me, but he loved me and wanted me whole. The pain was chronic and debilitating a result of differing circumstances, but it seldom slowed me down. In recent years specialists, with all their degrees and diagnoses, have felt exasperation and confusion over my condition. Some felt that it was impossible to cope with such pain, so I was used as a guinea pig by one and scrutinized by others. I was the energizer bunny who functioned, because I had to, with severe, almost daily migraine headaches. When I look back on it now, I smile, because my response is the same...the grace of God carried me through. Then, once they found an underlying "cause," God miraculously healed me, after, I might add, the "treatment" almost killed me. In fact, a specialist told his intern, right in front of me, that I should be dead. Now that's a nice prognosis. I don't know how, why, or many of the baffling comments and queries one could ask. What I do know is that God healed me, delivered me, saved me, and He keeps me. I stand on His word, because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8), and He said that He sent His Word and healed me of all of my diseases (Psalm 107:20). How He does it, whether it be spontaneously or suddenly, over a period of time (appointed time), or using a physician, the point is that He heals. He is the God of miracles, and He knows the length of our days and the plan He has ordained that we accomplish.

I know a lady who had to have her kidney removed. For years she would return to the doctor to keep an eye on the remaining kidney, so scans were routinely done. At one such appointment, the doctor approached her after viewing the scan quite perplexed. He said, "You know the kidney we moved all those years ago? Well, it grew back in full function." Today, in our prayer meeting, our beloved friend from the Philippines was attending after severe illness. He reported to us that although he suffered a massive heart attack and had two blocked and severely calcified arteries, that he never felt pain or fatigue or any of the symptoms one would suspect. He was told to go home and rest to gain his strength to prepare for open heart surgery, so he has been resting. He relayed to us a story about his time of rest. He was called by a woman he had not spoken with for some time named Grace who called to invite him to stay at her hotel free of charge, The Jerusalem Hotel. It was located on Strength Street. So, after marveling over this, he availed himself of her generosity and wondered about the names of the hotel and street address, as well as her name, Grace. He felt that surely God had shown His mercy and grace during this time. So he rested, and he regained his strength, and he said it was the best sleep ever. He never suffered discomfort, no symptoms. When he returned to the doctor, again a perplexed look on his face and look of incredible wonder, he was told that his heart had grown two new arteries pumping blood to his heart. He also said there would be no need of surgery!! Also, on the same call, another brother in Christ gave his testimony of a similar thing happening to him a few years past. Incredible the things our God can do!

A dear brother in the Lord, Danny Bohi, the founder of Becoming Love ministry in Kansas, passed away on October 27, 2024. I was never privileged to meet him personally, but he was a frequent visitor to another prayer ministry, Well-Versed, and I was an attendee on the prayer calls. Danny had been involved in an horrible accident as a pedestrian, hit by a semi-truck, but whom God had miraculously put together again, except for one remaining thorn in the flesh, like Paul. God also blessed Danny with the gift of healing. He was very calm, reassuring and compassionate in the way he spoke, never shouting or stomping his feet (he couldn't anyway), but he would quietly call forth words of knowledge while speaking on the call, and people were healed instantly. I was one of those people who received healing from severe neck pain I had been dealing with since 2016 when I had trauma to my head. He spoke the word of knowledge, not knowing who was on the call, I received that word of knowledge, and I am healed of that awful pain. God continued to use Danny until his death. He will be sorely missed, but all of heaven rejoices for the home going of this God loving and God fearing man. Oh, how he loved Jesus! What a testimony of a life well lived, hidden in Christ who is seated in the heavens making continuous intercession for each of us.

There are those pastors who do not believe this happens, and who have even cursed them if they have such a gift and do not go to St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis and speak healing to all the children who suffer from cancer. I don't understand all the ways of how God heals and when, nor did Danny, or any of us, as the scriptures say we know in part and see through a glass darkly (1 Corinthians 13:12). Jesus, while on earth, said in John 5:19 that He could do nothing except His Father will. But, when He died on the cross He said it is finished (John 19:30), and in two scriptures, one in the Old Testament (Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24). When Jesus was teaching He said in John 4:34, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work. I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous; because I don't seek My own will, but the will of My Father who sent me." There are other verses in the Bible where Jesus says the same thing.

I have three miracle children, whom I have been told I could never bear, after all three had been born.  Each of them is suffering physical and emotional conditions. Death has been spoken over each of them, as it was over me. Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." I have found this to be true. This is why when I am praying for life threatening conditions, I instruct the person not to let a physician or anyone speak words of death over the one for whom they are praying, especially children. I have seen more than one "impossibility" turned around by obedience to the Word of God. 

Again, I don't understand everything, and I never will, and the Bible says, as I quoted, that we don't know everything, so don't listen to anyone who says they know everything. It just isn't so for one important reason: WE are NOT God! His ways are higher, His thoughts are infinitely more wonderful (Isaiah 55:8-9). We are told to trust Him, so I do. I stand on the Word of God as the lamp upon my feet and the light unto my path (Psalm 119:105), and I hide His word in my heart that I might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:10-13). I also grab hold to any scriptural promise that God speaks directly to me. There have been many.

In closing, let me share a few nuggets of truth, and I pray that someone will be blessed and encouraged by my words, God's word really. There is one I speak daily as I take my one prescribed medication, and the daily supplements, from Proverbs 4:20-22: My son, pay attention to what I say, listen closely to my words,  do not let them out of your sight, keep them in your heart, for they are life to those who keep them, and health to your whole body. May you find encouragement and rest for your souls as you abide in Christ, as He makes His home in your heart.

Isaiah 30:15 In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall by your strength.

Psalm 27:14 Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD!

Malachi 4:2 But to you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall fed calves.

Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.

Psalm 118:17-18 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. The LORD has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death.

Psalm 107:20 He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions (diseases).

2 Kings 20:5 I have heard your prayer. I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you.

Psalm 127:2 It is a vain thing for you to rise up early, to take rest late, to eat the bread of toil, for so He gives unto His beloved sleep.

Trusting God in Trying Times

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Day 14 Live to Fight

This may contain: winnie the pooh and her friends are talking to each other in front of a balloon


It's always reassuring to me, and a bit baffling, when my daily scripture readings and the message I glean coincide with either another devotional or a conversation. In today's case, I was stunned to hear a member of our prayer call with the same thoughts as mine regarding the same passage of scripture. I sit up and take notice when something like this happens, or when God wakes me up with one very understandable word. In our Torah portions we have been studying the life of Joseph. He's one of my favorites, and I can identify with his life and the roundabout method God chose to get His point across to Joseph's family in order to save their lives and those of people living in Egypt and surrounding areas. Nothing happens by coincidence in the scriptures and certainly not in my life. 

Joseph's story begins in Genesis 37 and ends in Chapter 50. Joseph was well loved by his father, so his brothers hated him. Joseph was born late in Jacob's life, as Rachel, his mother, couldn't conceive until the appointed time. Joseph has two dreams that really upset his brothers and irritated his father, as they suggested that they would one day bow down to Joseph. So, his brothers end up selling him to some Ishmaelite traders who take him to Egypt. During a series unfortunate incidents, Joseph ends up in prison, eventually working his way up to being second in command subject only to Pharaoh. Joseph's dreams proved to be very important, as they foretold of a great famine coming to the country after a time of prosperity. So, in the end Joseph ends up saving the lives of his family and reuniting with his grief stricken older father. It's a great story!

Joseph marries Pharaoh's daughter, having two sons, Manasseh which means "to forget," as Joseph could put the past behind, and Ephraim meaning "fruitful, productive, and fertile." Joseph told his brothers that what they meant for evil God turned around for good. 

In the scriptures God speaks of appointed times and seasons, and Biblical prophesy is working its way out today. In discussing the prayer points for Israel today, we were discussing this story and the significance of how it relates to the hostage deals. It always seems that things get close to happening, everyone is anxious because we have prayed for breakthrough for so long, and then, the other side changes its mind or changes the agreed to deal. This has happened so many times. But just like Joseph, leadership, as well as the hostage families, must continue to remain steadfast under extreme pressure. Hard to do, but today is day 466 since the tragic day. 

Over the weeks I have had many dreams and quick visions when I drift off to sleep in my chair, and I feel that the angel of the Lord is keeping vigil over these dear ones, even though they are suffering at the hands of evil. Days before this, God had given me the word, "Stand," as in Ephesians 6 when we put on the whole armor of God. I remembered a phrase from the movie "The Mummy," where the lead character, anxious to save the librarian, was told to "live to fight another day." The important thing is that the hostages are released, the living and the dead, to bring closure to the families and peace. The battle can still be won, so this will never happen again.

The people of Israel have been steadfast in their ability to continue on, even participating in joyful feasts, but all our hearts are heavy, waiting. As we stand, as we pray and trust God, we must remain steadfast in our hope, our faith, our trust in God. The worship song for the morning, as we always enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise, was an old favorite of mine, "Great is Thy Faithfulness." I think this was very meaning considering all things.

Tuesday evenings I join a smaller group, including some from the daily calls, and we pray for Israel and America, as the two are inextricably joined together. The scripture portion I felt led to share was from Isaiah 57:7-11:

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and give praise.
Awake, my glory!
Awake, lute and harp!
I will awaken the dawn.

I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing to You among the nations.
10 For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens,
And Your truth unto the clouds.

11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
Let Your glory be above all the earth.

So much is going on in our nation and world that can cause us to take our focus off of more important things. I call these distractions, and although they are all very serious, the enemy uses such to divert our attention and prayer away from the main focus. He has been particularly busy for the last few years. Nothing happens by coincidence. God does not cause catastrophic things to happen, but He can use them to work out His plans. In the meantime, as we pray, we must "stand" and be "steadfast." As watchmen on the wall for Israel, we will keep our eyes fixed on the Commander of the Armies of Heaven, remaining at our assigned posts, remaining in the fight:

Isaiah 62:6-7

I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;
They shall never hold their peace day or night.
You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent,
And give Him no rest till He establishes
And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

This is our position and mandate from the Lord, and we will be watchful, and we will remain hopeful, looking for any ray of sunshine to light our way.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Day 13 The Things That Matter

100 Praise Dancers ideas | african american art, praise ...


My mind has been preoccupied with the disaster happening in California. I have been listening to testimonies of those who have suffered the loss of their homes, of those who have friends or loved ones who have escaped harm, some are missing their whereabouts uncertain, of firefighters battling the relentless blaze before another one starts, and of those who are offering support. People are terrified, angry, and shocked to the point of unbelief. It is a tragic thing that is happening, as we pray for rain and for the winds to die down. So many acres have burned, homes gone, animals and people have lost their lives. 

It is always comforting to see people rallying together to help each other. The bar has been dropped in Los Angeles, now the poor and rich sit together grieving, mending lives, trying to get a handle on exactly how something like this could happen. Why wasn't the government better prepared. Wild fires are prevalent in California, but the Santa Ana winds are generally not this fierce. Many questions are being asked, and there is much speculation. Meanwhile, people are suffering, grieving losses, asking questions, and wondering what to do next. 

Fortunately some churches have rallied to provide tangible help such as shelter, food, clothing, as many only ran out of danger with just the clothes on their backs. Restaurants and other businesses have been completely decimated, so food is one great necessity. This is a nightmare. Operation Blessing, Crisis Response International, and Samaritan's Purse have boots on the ground to assist in any way they can, especially with emotional and spiritual support, and helping people dig through the ash in the hope of finding something left of their former lives. Listening to the people talk about it, hearing how neighbors have been helping each other really warms my heart. It is as it should be all the time; not just in times of crisis. One man said that money and status or station in life, celebrity or otherwise, are insignificant at times like these, as they support and help one another. Homes of all sizes and value have been snuffed out in one cataclysmic inferno. It is at times like this that priorities take on a different meaning. People are more important than things.

What should we learn at times like these? North Carolina is still picking up the pieces since Hurricane Helene swept through destroying towns. Maui in Hawaii was victim to a crippling fire, and they are slowly rebuilding their lives. At a time when antisemitism is on the rise, the local synagogue opened their doors to all people, not just the Jewish citizens. Neighbor helping neighbor, reaching across the borders that have needlessly separated citizens of Los Angeles. All differences put aside to focus on the one thing needed - help in time of need, kindness, compassion, and a listening ear. Isn't this the way we should always conduct our lives? Shouldn't we always share the love of Christ with everyone, especially those who hurt, regardless of differing views? Jesus went around doing good. Words are not nearly as important as actions. This is what He taught. In His sermon on the mount He made things very clear. When asked what the two greatest commandments are, He responded as follows:

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Matthew 22:36-39 NKJV)

These are perilous times in our nation and in the world, and we are in great need of repentance and turning back to God. I have said many times, and the scriptures loudly state this truth: Judgment begins in the house of the Lord. (1 Peter 4:17) Before a hurting world can recognize their need for a Savior, for a life-changing miracle, the church as to wake up. It begins with one life realizing our need to take responsibility for our actions. We can learn a lesson from Moses and Daniel, great intercessors who first confessed their sins before a merciful, loving God, including themselves in the sins of a nation, even when they had not sinned themselves. This is the way it begins.

We need to greet each day with gratitude and thanksgiving. We need to help as many people as we can, however we can, for as long as we can. We need to share the greatest gift a person can have, the gift of eternal life. Since moving back home, I have met a few of my neighbors and rekindled old friendships, but I realize that I need to do more. I want to make that my priority. Thankfully, my parents' church, just across the highway from my parents' home, now my home, is one that reaches out into the community routinely, and it is one rich in discipleship, training people and equipping them to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, being a friend at all times, in season and out. 

I want to finish the race that is set before me. I want to reach for the prize of the high calling of Jesus Christ. I want to leap and dance and sing and praise and worship until my time here on this earth is done. I want to radiate His love in the joy of sharing my testimony of the reason of hope within me.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Day 12 Courage, Dear One

This may contain: a lion laying on the ground with a quote from c s lewis


Listening to Joshua Aaron singing in the Garden Tomb during the Feast of Tabernacles carries me back in time, remembering dreams I had so long ago. Sometimes I mourn all the missed opportunities, but I am learning that some dreams never die, while others are birthed in ways we cannot imagine. What saddens me the most is knowing that a careless comment or indifference of one person can squash the hopes of another. I have experienced this more than once in my own life, and more recently I've learned that one of my own children suffered in a similar way.

My younger son is a brilliant guitarist, but he doesn't play as he once did. The guitar is old and in need of repair, and his hands are stiff from arthritis. I encourage him to try, and some mornings I'll hear the faint melodic chords rising from the basement beneath my room. When he was sixteen he was invited to study at Berklee College of Music in Boston, a prestigious school for guitarists, much as Julliard is for the arts. Sadly, his acceptance was kept from me, and he was discouraged from going for lack of money for tuition. I imagine I was not told, because I was taking care of my daughter, who was very ill. I, myself, was very ill also, but this would not have mattered had I known. I mourn the lost dream, the discouragement from one parent, and my not knowing or being able to help. My son and I talk about many things, lost opportunities, the words of others that crush the spirit, and those who are so preoccupied with their own lives that they have no time to be a true friend. My moving back to Virginia has hopefully been an encouragement to him, and my hope is that he will not give up. He does believe that God orchestrates circumstances in our lives, and he believes in destiny. At least he's thinking about it, and he hasn't given up hope.

When my children were growing up I always tried to encourage them to be and to do what they truly wanted. It didn't matter if one had lofty dreams and the others were more down to earth. I have always been a dreamer, and I still am. The only thing is that age is catching up with me, but it doesn't keep me from drifting away in memories or considering possibilities. I want that for my kids too. 

When my older son went away to college, he wanted me to go with him so I could go to medical school as I always wanted. I had been inspired to study medicine when I was very young, after reading The Burma Surgeon, about a missionary doctor. So many years have passed since that day. Chronic illness has overshadowed each of our lives, some more than others, but it doesn't mean the vision dies. Life goes on, and adjustments can be made. All we need is faith. God can do the impossible, and He has proven this more than once in my life. The Bible says that God takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and I believe that about sums up my view of life, my own especially. Balaam's donkey has nothing on me. 

I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know that each day is a gift from God, and each day needs to be cherished. I can't change what I didn't know or what I couldn't do, but I know that my God and Father can move mountains. I know that He has a plan for me and each one of my children. I don't care how old I am or what is going on in any of their lives. I know in Whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day (2 Timothy 1:12).

He wants that for each of His children. It is so wrong to discourage another or poke fun at what another says. Words are truly life and death, and they must be guarded. So many children need our love, and they need to know that there is purpose in life, and of the gifts God has given to each of them. Ben Carson is an example of someone who had the support of his single mother who worked two jobs to put him through medical school. She's my hero. We can all be heroes to someone to believe in them, especially when they doubt themselves. I want to be that person for my children, for others, and even for myself. I want to mount up with wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, and walk and not faint. I want to dream, but much more, I want to walk in the plan God has for me no matter how long it takes! I want to finish well.