Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Day 28 Teach Us to Number Our Days

Single dream


Tuesday nights I spend an hour with like-minded people (crazy about Jesus) who are becoming my good friends. Tonight I exchanged cell numbers with two of them. That's a huge step for me. One is involved in two prayer ministries to which I belong, and the other is involved in several prayer ministries that I am familiar with and have participated in the past. So it goes with the others in the group. We are each involved in the same pursuit, intercessory prayer, and we have found ourselves together. It has been a desire of mine to find my "tribe," so to speak. Jacob's Tent, a church in Tennessee, puts members into tribes, similar to small groups where they can grow spiritually and as friends and family members, helping each other, following the laws God in Torah. Of course I am merely an online member, as I do not live in Cleveland, Tennessee, but I have a sense of belonging, and I love studying Torah and the feasts. Jewish music mingled with worship music lifts me to heaven and invites the presence of God. I love Shabbat. I'm glad Abba commanded us to take a day of rest. I definitely need it, and since I love worshiping, I take Sunday as well. Both are holy to me and to the Lord.

Last week I was drawn to the scripture found in Psalm 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." The verses following are "Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days! Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, the years in which we have seen evil. Let Your work appear to Your servants, and Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands" (vv13-17). These verses have been popping up repeatedly in my daily reads, and even in my prayer groups. Perhaps the Lord wants us to pay attention to what He's trying to tell us.

Many times I feel that in our prayer points and other resources, new books to read, and other great material that we are missing the point. Yes, we are meant to study, read, and learn from others, and we are to pray about everything. In fact that verse is found in Philippians 4:6-7: "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (NLT) All this is important and scriptural, but we can become so involved in reading and reciting and lists that we do not spend the time at the feet of Jesus. I spoke a little about this yesterday, so I won't labor over the point. I just want to stop the "noise" that burdens me and takes my attention away from seeking first His kingdom.

I love being part of intercessory prayer, as I love fellowship with the Lord. I talk to Him about everything. We do everything together. I have grown so accustomed to walking through the house talking to Jesus that when I first moved back home, my son thought I was either talking to him or to myself. I had grown comfortable being alone for so many years that I'll talk out loud to Abba. I'll sing, I dance and spin. My son tells me that I seem to be the happiest when I'm worshiping with Jacob's Tent. It wouldn't surprise me if I found out that I have Jewish blood. How great would that be!

When I think about numbering my days, making each day count, I remember the dreams I have to help others. About my home for misfit toys where people can come, work, play, live, learn that they are valuable and have gifts. I can see it in my mind, and all three of my children are a part of the ministry. A large country farm, several acres, a big white house with a barn and many animals - more unwanted misfits. I have always loved what everyone else tosses away. I see beauty in things, and I see beauty and potential in people. I know what it means to be laughed at or told I cannot do a certain thing for one reason or another. At this home, this shared dream, no one would be laughed at or pushed aside. It would be a place of dreams and preparation. Abba gave me these desires, and although my years are advancing I just cannot seem to get them out of my head. So I'll wait and dream, and I'll look for land in the country. I'm grateful for the life Abba has given me, for His forgiveness over the time I missed doing different things. He's taken me down many roads, and I have learned many things and one many things I never dreamed of doing. I want to use the gifts He's given me. I don't want to waste a second of my life. That's why I'm trying so hard to blog, because He said to write. I pray something I say is thought worthy.

Lord, teach me to number my days so I can do what You put me here to do. I want to honor the plans You have for me, and I want to share with others the love You have for each one. Thank You for giving me a heart of compassion, and whatever I do, or say, or wherever I go, may I bring honor and glory to Your great name.

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