Sunday, January 19, 2025

Day 17 Eeyore's Advice

 This may contain: an animated cartoon character with black hair and pink shoes, sitting on one leg in the air


As another new day dawns once more my peace and quietude has been disturbed. Personally, I think my resolve is being tested to see if I will continue to keep my focus. It seems as if everything I once had so neatly at my disposal is now a dis-shuffled mess, and pages just printed have mysteriously disappeared from the stack. I have a group meeting tonight to lead, plus a dozen other things to get accomplished. This is always the way it goes when I have much to do. My devotional for this morning encouraged me to not become discouraged with things I cannot change. Breathe, and take things at a slower pace. Good advice, but it is not always easy to do. In my case, however, it would be beneficial if I slowed down and rethought my priorities. 

Yesterday, my cell phone decided to give up the ghost, so I had to make a special trip to town to Verizon to find another phone. Today, I am attempting to set up the new phone with alarms for the next few days, ensuring I meet certain appointments. This is a busy weekend, and I am confused with this impossible schedule. To top it off, yesterday as I was getting into the car I slipped on the ice. My son caught me, so I thought I had avoided a mishap. Wrong. I exercised on the Gazelle before going to bed last night, and this morning I couldn't walk because of the pain in my lower back. I had to laugh at this not so laughable mess, but my son in Massachusetts is having a worse time of it. When I asked him how his day was going, he said his sewer pipe had broken, and his basement was filled with excrement, to put it nicely. This is the second time his basement has sprung a leak. This time is a bit more intimidating and urgent to address. The cost to repair the pipe is astronomical! Isn't that the way things go?!

This makes me think of Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh's dear friend. He always seems to be dragging his tail, so to speak, and his monotone voice never seems to lift, regardless of the circumstances. In thinking over the mishaps and ridiculous events of my days, I love how Eeyore responds,  “I was so upset, I forgot to be happy.” Or, in my son's case, “Use caution when standing by the river bank minding your own business. You might get bounced into the water.” I imagine I shouldn't make light of his trouble, but we both did kind of shake our heads. I guess it could be worse, right Eeyore?!

“The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.”


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