Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Day 21 A New Page

 This may contain: thomas eddison once said vision without exception is hallination that explains why writer's write it keeps us sane


This is the day after a huge victory for the people of America who voted for a return to One Nation Under God. The days of preparation have been exhausting, but the prayer, praise and worship have been a blessing and honor. But, just because the festivities are over as of noon today, intercession continues. Our President and his family, cabinet, and their families need our prayers, as do the members of Congress and our Supreme Court. 1 Timothy 2:1 exhorts us to pray for our leaders. This includes our State leaders too, and becoming involved in our State and local governments, school boards, county commission. We need to become engaged, in order to protect our families and the sovereignty of our nation. 

Fortunately, God has placed a leader in office who has a record of accomplishing what he says he will do. Too many people have listened to information about President Trump without checking the facts for themselves. This needs to change. You cannot know the truth unless you check it out for yourselves. Wouldn't you expect the same consideration. Besides which, President Trump is God's choice, and He has placed him in office. It really doesn't matter what anyone thinks, but I can say this about this man, he is not a criminal. And before anyone goes around accusing another person of a crime, remember what Jesus said to the men accusing the woman caught in adultery. "Ye without sin cast the first stone." One by one, the men departed, because we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. President Trump does not need criticism, he needs prayer and encouragement. He also deserves respect. 

This exhortation includes the church. Jesus is the head of government, not politics. As such we are to be engaged in government affairs, because they directly involve us in each area of our lives. When I was in high school, seniors had to take government as part of the required curriculum. We took history every year, and in college history was required. When I was growing up we knew the history of our State. I must admit that government was not a subject I liked, but I studied, because my graduation depended on it. Now I study, because as a citizen, I want to be savvy of the workings of our country. I have always encouraged my children to do the same, and to be aware.

As Christians, the criticism has to stop, and we need to obey God's commandments to love Him and secondly, love our neighbors as ourselves. Remember, life and death are in the power of the tongue. We will eat the fruit of it (Proverbs 18:21).

Today starts a new day. A new page in history. How will you spend it?!

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