Monday, January 20, 2025

Day 18 Could You Not Watch

Jesus' Agony in the Garden | The Word Among Us


 On Tuesday nights I attend a Zoom meeting with a few intercessors, and our prayer focuses on our nation and on the nation of Israel. We begin with worship always, as we can do nothing without the presence of God in our midst. Plus, worship is the best form of spiritual warfare. One of the ladies mentioned that she was having a very hard time staying awake. Several others could identify with that, including myself. As the days get closer to the inauguration, tension builds in the Middle East, and fires rage uncontrolled in California, , our eyes grew heavier as the warfare increased. Also on the table for Israel was the ceasefire and release of hostages, along with the interference of other nations pressuring Prime Minister Netanyahu for a decision. Each of us has other ministries and calls, so the pressure to keep up is often difficult. I know that it seems as if everyone is asking for special prayer at this certain time. I have been involved in intercession since the 70's - 80-s, internationally. Back then things seemed simpler, because I didn't have a 100 emails to wade through each day. I received snail mail, and rather than send emails to senators and representatives, I wrote actual letters. I used to blast those babies off the press. I was a fast typist, so I enjoyed writing. I kept journals back then, too, but I only have ones beginning in 1983 with me now. I've always loved to write. 

At this writing I have one day before I have to focus my attention on the prayer wall for our President, Israel, revival for colleges, Buddhism (each quarter my International Prayer Connect focuses on one of four groups - Buddhism, Muslim, Jewish, and Hinduism). I usually have a group from California with whom I pray, but they must be helping with the fires. Rest at ease, I am praying for California. My life is a life of prayer, and my life is often misunderstood by those close to me. Fortunately, my younger son, who lives with me, understands that this is the ministry call of my life. He just got up from bed and reminded me that I have an early call tomorrow so I better go to bed. I told him I needed to do a few things first, but I think I best go, or else I'll be falling asleep in the middle of a call. 

Jesus used to separate Himself from the crowds and His disciples to commune with His Father in prayer. He had much on His heart, and I'm sure knowing what laid ahead of Him brought much uneasiness+. The night He was betrayed, after eating the last supper with His disciples, telling them once more that He would be betrayed and killed, He took Peter, James and John with Him to watch and pray while He cried out in agony before His Father. He was in such torment knowing what He would endure, so He needed the support of His closest friends. Sadly, each time He returned to them, He found them asleep. He asked them, "Could you not watch with Me for an hour?" Basically, this is the situation in which we were finding ourselves, having to fight sleep. Fortunately, we have been able to overcome, but the battle is growing more intense as distractions mount. I call them distractions, because we have had so many in the past years popping up like fires, hardly extinguishing one flame before another comes. But we persevere, try to rest, but we must continue to watch and pray. This is the call.

Jesus is our example, and although the days are fraught with many discouragements, temptations to rest, and mounting concerns, we have committed to stand as watchmen on the wall. But this is only a small part of it. Balancing jobs, families, marriages, and family members who simply do not understand why we do what we do are is challenging. Jesus has shown us the example, the better way. He deliberately separated Himself from the needs and questions of others, and leaving his disciples in charge, went off to the hills to spend  time alone with His Father. This is our example, but we have to make the effort to avail ourselves of the opportunities God has provided and examine our hearts. It's so easy to get off track, but we press on, keeping our eyes on the prize set before us.

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