"How shall I say this, let me see. I don't know how to do dictation. Isn't it a lost art? Okay, lemme hear that again. Okay, got it, or at least I think I did. Yes, right away...yep, no problem." This little guy is overstating the obvious - he simply does not want to be doing what he is being asked to do. He's not feeling up to the challenge. How well I can relate. Hopefully, today will be a step up from yesterday, but like the bear, sometimes the things I need to do get tedious before I even begin. But today, is my day of rest, so I have time to...yep, ya got it...think!
Actually, my mind is so preoccupied with many, many things, that there is never a time when I am not thinking about or writing about them in my journal. I've noticed lately that my journal writing is incoherent. The words are scrunched together or stop mid-word, so the thoughts I am trying to express are lost. I guess this is a sign that I need more rest, or perhaps less reflection.
Today I was reminded of great evil that exists in this world, as if I need reminding, the reports are delivered to me daily in my emails. Again, things that should never be seen, cannot be unseen. I weep for the victims, especially the children, God's most precious ones. It was devastating to learn that here in America, home of the brave and land of the free, that a bill to protect the lives of abortion survivors, passed in the House, but when it went to the Senate for their approval, it failed, because every Democrat voted against it. This is appalling to me, especially since many of them profess to have faith in God. As a biologist, even though I am "retired," I continue to follow research. I imagine, considering the high market for fetal body parts, that once the unwanted live infant has been given 28 days, whose life is considered inconsequential, is "offed," the sale of whole parts might be even more lucrative, especially to traffickers. This is my speculation, but it is a ghastly business, is it not?!
Later in the afternoon, I had a notification of a friend's comment on a video, so I decided I'd take time to check it out. I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook other than to post my prayer updates and information all Americans, especially Christians, should find important. I may be wrong on that one, as I see little courage in people, even some I follow. It is considered activism to say how I feel, I guess. If I am an activist or a Zionist, because I stand with Israel (Am Yisrael Chai), or because I care about the persecution and slaughter of Christians all across the globe, turmoil in our colleges, about young people so confused, and on and on, then call me what you want. I belong to Jesus Christ, and I serve Abba alone.
So, with all that said (I do not like that expression either), the video shared yesterday by Greg Locke, another controversial pastor, revealed a deeper, darker American pastime. This is also an area of activism, as I post less verbally graphic information, as I would hate to harm the sensitivities of those reading. Greg Locke is known for casting out demons, and this would be a huge victory in this area of the world, Bangkok. Pastor Greg was revealing facts about his recent trip to Bangkok and the horror of the child trafficking in the area. Children as young as 4, he stated, bring the highest price in this business, girls and boys. He spoke of a certain area, the heart of the vile action, where young ones, 10-12 years old, dressed to appear "older," drugged to keep them obedient, are cat calling customers as they enter. A den of thieves, congested with men, including Americans on holiday, vying for the one that catches their eye, girls scantily clad. Greg and his team are there for rescue, at a different location naturally, as this devil's den would be suicide. He continued to give further details, eyes pleading for prayer. He tells his listeners that the United States does not have this level of moral depravity, but I wonder. If the market for aborted babies doesn't turn one's stomach, perhaps this might. I could go on, but I won't, as I hope my thoughts are obvious. I care about everyone and everything, because God loves everyone, especially little children. He warns those who would harm children of His judgment (Matthew 18:6-10).
The Torah reading for Shabbat was from Exodus, God has heard the cries of His people and is sending Moses to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, demanding him to "Let My People go!" Sound familiar? I love the old movie, The Ten Commandments, with Charlton Heston as Moses. It's an old movie, greater than old, and it dates me to speak of it, unless someone is a connoisseur of golden oldies, as am I. It is a great reminder of the challenges faced by the children of Israel, and the torment of being slaves to Egyptians, when the promised land was within their grasp. Or so they thought. God told Moses and Aaron to go to Pharaoh and relay His message strongly, or they would suffer the consequences. God also said that He was going to harden Pharaoh's heart. Over a series of failed attempts to persuade him to let His people go, God was able to move on Pharaoh's heart. God's ways are definitely not our ways, but He does what He thinks is best for His children. Persecution for Christians is very prevalent these days in America, but I doubt anyone would heed the command should they hear God's voice and similar instructions. No one would willingly rush into a fire! But then, there may be someone who feels compelled to leap into the fray without hesitation. I used to be that person, but I question my reliability should I be asked to do so now. And yet, I just did.
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