Puzzles drive me crazy! Especially ones with 1,000 pieces or more with three matching pieces for one spot, discovering none of them are the correct match! On Christmas Eve my son and I decided to ply our skill working on a Star Wars puzzle of R2D2 and 3CPO with 1,000 pieces. Although the outline has been shaped and some areas are coming together slowly, it has been a maddening experience. More than once my son has threatened to put it back in the box saying it is impossible and cannot be done! After much deliberation, I decided quitting was not an option. We could not allow a puzzle to get the better of us. No, the going may be slow, but we can figure it out. Although struggling to put it together has been a battle for the mind, not relaxing in any stretch of our imagination, still there must be a lesson to be learned from this self-inflicted torment, even if we can't see it.
In similar fashion our lives are like puzzle pieces, or a grand tapestry woven of many colors, fashioned skillfully into a masterpiece design. As we try to find our niche in the larger puzzle of life, we discover that we don't always "fit." Although my life has been a difficult one to piece together with all the ambiguous attempts to belong, to find my proper place, I have learned to rest confidently on the promises of God.
Recently I began a study of the book of Hebrews, using Andrew Murray's book, The Holiest of All. This book has sat abandoned and unread on my bookshelf for many seasons, but God has been pressing me to pull it off the shelf and study it. Of course, any of Murray's books can be a perplexing to read and understand, plus this one is a very long read. It took me several nudges from God to get me going, as it was such an intimidating endeavor, or so I thought, but I'm finding that, like any project, it has to be done in the right time. Finally, I did as instructed, and the study has expanded my knowledge and opened my eyes to understanding in new ways. I am reading slowly, devouring every word. It is so rich in spiritual truth, and I can't imagine why I put it off for so long. While it is never my intention to ignore God's subtle nudges, I fail by busying myself with things that really can wait, or I get distracted with another task. But, I am finding that Abba is faithful to remind me at unlikely times, in the middle of prayer calls, or when I'm engaged in the daunting task of deleting 100 or more unsubscribed emails. I am grateful that He does not become weary with me.
There's so much I can say about this study of Hebrews, so I will save that for another time, or so I am hoping. We really never know when a day could be our last, so we have to savor the time. Maybe God is calling you to become involved in Bible study or join a church group. I am still hosting a weekly group online, and I find that the time of fellowship has been so special. It is a time of study and of fellowship, each lady at a different place in her spiritual walk. Each of us is a small piece of God's life puzzle, as He orchestrates the plan He has for us. Never despise the day of small beginnings.
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