Saturday, January 25, 2025

Day 24 Thinking Place

This may contain: a teddy bear sitting on top of a fallen tree


Here I am again. I should be rushing to get this blog out, and I'm sitting on a log, thinking. I do that a lot. I sit and think. 

So, what's been on my mind all day today?! Many things, actually, but for this post I'll focus on what I read for my morning devotional about being faithful in the little things. It seems as if I do little, so the focus part would be good. I laughingly told my group on Thursday that I think about what I need to do every day when I trip over the piles of papers to file or trash that are stack in my floor! We had been discussing the importance of organizing our days, as one lady was having problems in this area. We can all understand how that goes, right?! She has small children, however, so she has a valid excuse. Me, not so. Although, in my defense, I have not been feeling well this week, so that should cut me some slack. Really??? No, I don't buy into that one. I've always been a go getter, and I've kept going on many a day in my life when my health was not as good as it is now, even at my advancing age. Therefore, I make no excuses. I know what I have to do. Prioritize, that's the answer.

So I settle back again, against my pillow, and heating pad on my bum back, and think a little more, as I pick back up the little booklet. It reads, "God values faithfulness in all aspects of our lives. By being faithful in the small things, we demonstrate our readiness for greater responsibilities and blessings." Good words and true. I recall a verse that has guided my path, Zechariah 4:10: Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand." God loves it when we do the things we know to do. Naturally, the adversary will be faithful on his end to send someone to discourage and taunt, but God applauds our steps in the right direction. I'm attempting, after many prods and prompts, by writing a daily blog, anticipating that I will be so encouraged by someone to keep going. Sadly, the one friend who always gave me the thumbs up died shortly after I moved back home. I have many memories of my dear friend, Irma, but I miss her terribly. Remembering her comments help me to carry on. I haven't had many friends like that, but I do have friends, very dear to me, who "egg me on" in their unique ways. 

Sometimes my daughter, who still lives in New Mexico, calls and wants to watch a movie with me. She doesn't have a computer or cell phone, only her television and DVD player, but even though she's limited in technology, I can watch the movie on my end, while she does the same on her end. Later, we'll connect by phone and compare notes. Not perfect, but it works, and she finds it satisfying, as do I. Today, we watched two Christmas movies. 

I'm grateful that I can make the day better for my daughter, who suffers chronic illness and pain. We giggle, over silly things, but it's a reprieve from the normal for her. I understand that, because I have lived it myself and still do somewhat. But remember, we do not despise the little things, rather we are faithful in the small things we can do to improve our lives or those of another. I have a friend who lives in Florida. She used to work for me seasonally when I managed the gift shop at Angel Fire Resort. She's retired now, lives in a small apartment complex with others her age and older. Each day she asks God to bring her someone to help. He's faithful  to bring the need, and she is faithful to answer it, even when it is not convenient. She is one of the kindest, self-less people I have ever had the privilege to work with or get to know. Her life-long, best friend lives in Florida as well, so each is strengthened by the other. I ache for that relationship myself, but the way to have friends, is to be one, so I am trying to be available. I want to be available. I read a little saying once that is attributed to John Wesley, but this saying is an abbreviated version: "Do as much as you can, for as many as you can, for as long as you can." That's my motto.

So, here I am thinking about it, considering what tomorrow may bring. I am anxiously anticipating the release of four more hostages from Israel, and tomorrow is Shabbat! So, I have huge things to think about for tomorrow already. Time to crawl down from my thinking spot off the log, and get busy! Perhaps more people should spend a little more time thinking, especially before speaking or acting on impulse, but considering the Wesleyan approach. Time to get off the log, me thinks.

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