Mild precipitation continues this morning, slight snow mixed with rain, icy roads ominous. Our home is situated on a corner lot making it easy for cars careening carelessly down the road and then attempting to make a turn to end up in my yard. I remember a time I slid on black ice in a snowstorm in Raton Pass in New Mexico, a dangerous drag and scene of many accidents. Fortunately no cars were near, and my sharp reflexes kept me from ending up over the railing. Still, I will never forget the sensation of my car slipping on that patch of ice. I've learned to respect snow and ice on mountain roads as I traveled several days in the week as a case manager. Since I worked remotely from my home office, I made it a practice to limit visits in inclement weather. No one wanted visitors on messy days, especially the caregivers who already did so much for my clients. Better to stay home, safely tucked away dry and warm.
I miss the smell of pinon and cedar burning in the fireplaces or stoves. I've always had a fondness for heating my home with wood, so snug and warm, cozy and inviting. I have childhood memories of visits to my daddy's uncle Tom's cabin in the backwoods of Virginia. Or to my papa's sister's home near Goshen. Aunt Gracie cooked and heated by wood. Her biscuits and hoe-cakes cooked in the wood stove were so special. Her jam cakes were divine. How I miss those early childhood days of pleasant, laughter-filled conversation, good food, and treks through the woods. Such magical moments I hold within my heart. I entertain my son with my childhood thoughts, of dreams, now shadows of the past. But dreams never die, and even if they fade, when the time is right, they can be rekindled.
The promises of God are so very real to me, and I know that if I've messed up one, He will provide me with an alternate route. He says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
I can place my trust in that, in Him. He's already brought surprising things into my life, none I deserved. That's a problem with so many people, thinking we deserve anything or that we are good. A quick reference to the pages of the Bible will clear those notions up rather promptly. But, God does have His hand on those who love Him, who are called to His purpose, who desire to follow Him, to become friends with God. His ways are so much better, safer, enriching with eternal benefits. When we are young it is much easier to believe. Maybe this is why He tells His disciples to suffer the little children to come to Him, not to send them away. I had an encounter with the Lord as a very young child, looking into His face, and He kept His hand on me even in my folly. Despite all, I have never lost the wonder of a child. That's why snow is such a wondrous thing. I can laugh, play, sing, and frolic in the snow. And when the time comes for me to come back inside, put on my grown up clothes, I can happily go about the day.
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