"Create the Life You Want" is the name of the devotional in my "60 Days of Prayer" reading, encouraging the reader to reflect and focus on the person they want to become. It's interesting, because some days I am energetically engaged in living the life, then others, not so much. As many know, I journal daily and have done so for far too many years, and way too many journals, that is, to many to re-read and reflect upon. Many, I'm certain, that if I spent the time, I would toss away, not caring to relive some of it. Yet, if I did that, then I would not remember God's faithfulness at a every point in my life, perhaps, although the adversary is so dedicated to enhancing my memory of hard times. It seems that lately all I do is share the gruesome details, in a discreet, uplifting, positive manner, in response to questions we share in the current Bible study in which I am involved. I've lived a long life, so my experience has spanned far wider than the other community members. I hope that in sharing others may be encouraged to remain focused on Christ, as challenges make us stronger when we trust in the Lord.
Yesterday I was rummaging through the pages of my journals looking for a dream I had some years ago. I've never forgotten it, and I have been waiting for the meaning to become clearer. I just wanted a clear date when God spoke to me. God always gives wise counsel that is always backed by His word. That's the important thing. He is a covenant-keeping God who never changes, confirming all things regarding life and godliness in His word. Sometimes I get hung up on time, like today. Moses was 40 years old when he ran away from those threatening to take his life over the nasty business of his killing an Egyptian who was hurting an Israelite. Moses remained on the back burner of the wilderness, tending sheep who have little to say and required much care and caution. Caleb was 40 years old when he scouted out Canaan, then he had to wander with the doubtful unbelievers in the desert for another 40 years, before he was able to take back the portion of land given to him in Canaan and settling into life. In fact even then, Caleb had to chase out the inhabitants living in the city of Hebron and the surround foothills. There are many examples of delayed visions and death to vision in the scriptures; however, we learn that nothing is truly lost if it is God-breathed. Everything is done in God's timing, God's way. We can see the process of waiting in Joseph's life. Waiting for it is often so hard! I wonder if I've missed something, but when I ask, I hear the same reassuring response, "keep doing the last thing." Now what does that even mean??!!
For me the last thing was the word, "stand." Prior to that it was "1000 cubits." And prior to that "Keep your eyes on the Captain of the Army," and then "Cut off the head of the snake." I also am told "Do you trust Me," to which I respond "Yes," rather hesitantly and weakly, because usually something unforeseen happens. It's one of those, "Yes, of course, I do (weakly spoken); why do You ask, Lord?" responses. But He's patient with me and often doesn't say anything else. I feel "the look" on His face and subsequent "smile" rise at the corners of His mouth, shaking His head so lightly, looking at Jesus who says, "That's Our Linda!" I know I create much laughter in heaven, at my expense, but that's okay, because He also says, "You belong to Me."
I am, however, doing one thing daily that He asked me to do, and something I love to do - write! I haven't written "the story" yet, but at least I am writing something, even if it is senseless! I know that I am very passionate about many things that involve the Kingdom of God. I feel that I am always led back to Matthew 5, known as the Sermon on the Mount, as a reference point. Yesterday I'd say verse 6 of Matthew 5 was on my mind when I wrote my post:
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5:6
I imagine I could have chosen a less formidable image, but it seem appropriate. Can I get a little smile, Lord? I am finding that as often as He sends me back to the same scriptures, then I must be missing something, right? Actually, I do see the relevance of it all. There have been, and continue to be, many questions about these passages. I don't have very many answers, but I know who does, so I am relying on His wisdom to get me through this lingering process of learning to listen! This is why I am so drawn to worship that goes beyond the agenda or Sunday bulletin. I am a spontaneous, by the seat of my britches Christian, who loves to linger in His presence. I want to feel His presence and hear directly from Him. It is so exciting abiding in His presence, making it a place to dwell.
So, "Create the Life You Want," is not about the life "I" want, rather it is the life God has planned to live through my life, by the power of Holy Spirit dwelling in me. I could not do it otherwise.
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