"Could you do it all over again, you'd do it differently.
You'd be a different person. You'd be more patient. You'd
control your tongue. You'd finish what you started. You'd turn
the other cheek instead of slapping his. You'd get married first.
You wouldn't marry at all. You'd be honest. You'd resist the
temptation. You'd run with a different crowd. But you can't."
Max Lucado - Six Hours One Friday
Don't act thoughtlessly, but try to find out and do
whatever the Lord wants you to.
Ephesians 5:17 TLB
Saturday mornings are my special times to sit and listen to the voice of my Abba Father. I talk His ear off daily, but these times are special, because I can just relax and "be," and "being" is where I want to be the most these days. My time in Pagosa Springs reminded me that I must have all the time I can alone with Him, reading, praying, and above all, listening. My resolve to follow His leading only has not waned, and I know what I heard Him say to me. I will never doubt what I heard in the silence, and now I wait for the next instruction, the next word.
If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him,
and He will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to
give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him;
He will not resent it. But when you ask Him, be sure
that you really expect Him to tell you, for a doubtful
mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea
that is driven and tossed by the wind.
James 1:5-6 TLB
I have undertaken a great project to help with a Wednesday night program for kids, all ages, including adults who want to come as little children. We are all little children when our minds are open to learn new things, particularly the things God wants us to focus upon. We are learning how to pray, using the Bible, the sword of the Spirit and light to our path, as our source of all wisdom. If we but trust Him at His word, life would be less complicated, and less of our own doing.
As Max Lucado points out we cannot go back and do things differently, so we need to focus on where we are now, choosing wisely, asking, not doubting or becoming impatient. Focusing not on what we cannot do, but focusing rather on what we can do. I think that is the key, because if we do it another way, we get "stuck" on feelings, emotions, and we deviate from the path. God is concerned about our dreams, as He so wants to give us the desires of our hearts when those desires are sound, based on His word. We should be thanking Him for not giving us everything we think we want, as we all would be in a world of hurt, and more worse for the wear. His way is the better way, the only way.

If I know anything about the Lord it is that He is not a God of confusion, so striving and trying to do things our way, in our time, will not work for the child of God. If we dedicate our lives in service to Him doing the best we can as wholeheartedly and honestly as we can, even if we fail or fall flat on our faces or backsides, he will be there to pick us up, dust us off, and put us back on the path. This is a given in a world of uncertainty. We simply need to believe that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.
I don't believe in striving with God, as it only makes me disquieted and preoccupied with things out of my control. Truth be said I don't have any control over most things, but I can make wise decisions. I have made it a daily practice to ask God to search my thoughts and my heart and to point out anything that offends Him, then make my path straight again. I was talking to my friends about the new movie
War Room, and I shared with them about finding a secret place to be alone with God daily and pray. Of course the idea of the war room or prayer closet is not only to pray about needs, requests, but it is a place of high praise and worship,
warring and standing in the gap for others, particularly our families, marriages, and ministries. God gives us the armor to do this, and it needs to be a daily practice.
My "war room" is my home office where I daily pray as I work for the needs of the people I serve, but my entire home is my prayer closet. I am alone, and I am always interceding for the needs that are many, as we all do as we sit, walk, stand, come and go. My "war room" has bulletin boards with faces, names, requests, and I need to have another board for answers to prayer, victories being won. There's so much I need to do, especially if I am training others about the importance of making a stand in intercession. The enemy's goal is to divide and conquer, using guilt, doubt, and shame as his emissaries. He has many ways of blinding us from the truth and getting us sidetracked and out of the game, so he can win. Prayer and staying in the Word help make us become more savvy to his ways, and having daily discipline in setting that priority is the only way one can become victorious.
The closer we attempt to draw night to God, shutting out the worldly distractions and focusing on God's ways, seeking first the kingdom and His righteousness, or asking to break our hearts for what breaks His, the more the enemy tries to stop us in our tracks by sending trials, persecution, and all the tricks he has in his arsenal, but God never leaves us unguarded or alone.
Isaiah 43 tells us no matter what happens, He will be with us to keep us from harm...in the floods....
in the fires...! An ever present help in time of need. So suit up and stand firm, anchored on the Rock of our Salvation - Jesus Christ, our soon coming King. Together we can stand and make a difference, and if we need to know anything, ask Him, waiting for your marching orders, then do it! Joyce Meyer says, "Do it afraid!" Sound wisdom from a gal who knows about the battle. I, for one, am going to heed the advice, strap on my armor, pick up the Sword and march victoriously into the battle with praise on my lips! God always sends Judah first into the battle. Judah means praise, and Jesus, is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Won't you join us?!