Saturday, May 17, 2014


Each day when I turn on my computer I see the most glorious screen saver photos of seaside boulders or icescapes, tunnels of snow or fields of grain or flowers, or even a simple floral stem.  Majesty. I worship His majesty!

Today I woke up in quite a bit of pain, but thanks to the faithful prayers of a friend, I now welcome this day with sunshine and smiles.  Actually, one of my nicknames is "Sunshine". Imagine that, you who really know me!  I can be a ray of sunshine to a weary soul.  Well, maybe that is pushing it a bit far!  I do tend to smile a lot, and I guess that brings out the best in a person on an otherwise dreary day.  We all have those times too.  So much more a reason to light up the world with a bit of cheer and laughter, don't you think?

Yesterday I was trying to get a giggle from a fellow slave in the field, so we were talking about our meltdown days we have endured, encouraging each other in the Lord.  Yesterday was actually a better day for me, I said, even though my quiet time in the morning started with the opening chapters of Job.  Not exactly where I would have chosen to gather strength for the day, but that was my daily read as I walk through the Bible.  God has a way of making us gain perspective on things mighty fast!  And as only He can do.  God is not only good, He is GREAT!

So this morning as I muddle through my day, I'll have a smile on my face...regardless!  Things could be worse, but for today, they're better than good!  Have a blessed day!

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