Thursday, May 29, 2014

Home Free

It's getting late, and the wind is blowing something fierce.  My window is open a bit enough to allow a breeze to cool my room.  It's been raining, and the air smells so clean.  My wind chimes are singing as the wind picks up speed, then dies down.  Good weather for sleeping.

I had another long day today; I spent all day in my home office, mostly putting out fires, so to speak.  But I was able to accomplish some victories as well.  At the end of the day I received a most unwelcome call, unexpected - a death report.  I'd spent quite a bit of time this afternoon involved in her case, only to learn of her passing at a few minutes before 5 pm.  She had become a friend to me over the years, and I had been visiting with her only a few days ago.  We shared a passion for sewing and quilting, and we had planned to get together to discuss her quilt project once time allowed.  Well, time ran out, in a most unpleasant way.

For the past few days as I have traveled my "circuits" I have been remembering my fallen friends who fought the good fight for so long, before their bodies just caved in and wore out.  Sometimes expected, other times not so, but always devastating to those of us who still care about humanity and the value of a life.

It's not the ideal ending to a day of fighting for causes, but at least I can rest assured that her life will not go unrecognized.  God knew her heart, and I know that she's standing in glory with Him and all of heaven praising her Father for bringing her home.  No more sickness, no more pain and two strong legs.  She is at!

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