Today has been an unexpected day. For some reason I must have zigged when I should have zagged when I was packing yesterday OR my reprieve from pain is coming back for a visit. Nonetheless in the midst of pain I have been laughing, remembering silly things that bring a smile to my face and laughter to my soul. So I wanted to share a few of my favorite "people" with whom I enjoy spending my time. Perhaps it will help you know me a bit better and realize what a nut case I really am. But it's in fun. I've been watching old Alf television videos today, as I sometimes do when I am in need of a pick me up laughter style! I wanted to let my little buddy who lives with me learn the nature of his namesake. So far we're having a great day!
Schlepp by Gund, I understand, to whom I call simply "Schlep" is back due to popular demand! So now more people will have the distinct pleasure of getting one of the best bear hugs in the world! One of my friends already has the gift of his hugs. I hope she realizes how special that makes her! Welcome back to the world, Schlepp!
AKA Charles has retired, but I located him once more on Ebay! He is created and designed by Mary Meyer, and he is a joy to have around, even though he does tend to have a cynical way of dealing with things...and attitude with people. Reminds me of ... ME!
I have many other "friends" or "children" as I love to call them. I do have one other special little buddy I lovingly call "Bailey" who was given to my daddy when he was in rehab after one of his illnesses. When he passed away I brought the little fellow home with me as a reminder of my daddy.
Actually, he's included in my Facebook photo, so here he is:
Actually, he's included in my Facebook photo, so here he is:

Aren't we lovely? A beautiful family...exclusively mine!
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