It is the end of another month, the end of the first quarter of a new year. How time passes!
I am sure you've heard this question before, "If you knew you had only one day to live, how would you live it?" Take this is step further now, "If you knew this was your last day of life, and you were separated from your loved ones, alone, how would you spend your day?"
Usually when a question as that is posed, we think immediately of our family, spending a quality day, working out any misunderstandings, seeking forgiveness. But sometimes, many times, that is not a possibility. When people die before things that should have been said are not spoken, a truth exchanged, it leaves a bittersweet, and often, a tragic sense of regret.
Living very far from my family I think about how I wish things could be for my huge family in Virginia and bordering states. Even the one I have here in New Mexico who lives a brief two plus hours away from me. Some gaps cannot be breached, even by a letter. These things we must leave in God's hands and hope in His mercy it won't become too late, but we can control, at the very least on our side.
Today I visited two people, one I had not seen for a few years who sad to say was far worse in the advancement of Alzheimer's disease that it was shocking to see the progression, the swings from one moment to the other. A hint of recognition turns into a transient state of confusion where a discussion begins between her and unseen others. At least there is laughter rather than tormenting spirits oppressing her, but then I am only there for a short period of time, and I wonder as I leave, how does her son get through the day. It must be excruciatingly painful.

I spoke with a friend of mine yesterday who is struggling beneath a similar burden as she watches her father drift away into oblivion in the clutches of the same villain disease. She also has a demanding, chaotic, ever-changing job where she does not know from day to day what to do first. We share that same dilemma. Everywhere I go I see or hear about similar conundrums, and the answer is as perplexing as the noun suggests, because there is no simple, straightforward answer. We are all caught up in a merry-go-round existence minus the pleasure of the adventure.
This is the time we need to ask ourselves the questions posed above..."What would I do if...?"
Crossing the paths of so many diverse people groups I often do not understand why so many people allow themselves to buckle under the stress of adversity and allow it to manipulate their lives into this paralyzed state of demise. Giving up is not in my vocabulary, regardless of how terminal the edict may be. It is my prayer that as I go about my daily life I will use every opportunity God allows me to speak life to the people I encounter. We each have so much life to share with others, especially in these tragic times. We are in the season of the most wonderful victory over death that ever will be! Miracles still happen!
Do you want to know why miracles are not as obvious to some as they are to others? Because in their doubt, lack of faith, that may not be obvious in their spoken words or proclamations in a prayer group, in their hearts they do not believe. And if the miracle we want to see tangibly before our eyes is not seen in the instant we feel it should be revealed, we lose heart and faint. But sometimes God gives a miracle contrary to what we may ask, and although we try our best to understand, we feel that he's betrayed our trust in Him. We see through a glass darkly, sad to say, but one day we will understand.
I have been sharing with you over the weeks how God is pressing me to trust Him, because when I think I am, my words, reactions to a situation, or my inward response to a tragedy is not what it should be if I am truly trusting Him. My younger son became so upset listening to a speaker in church share about God's provision, how we get what we want by doing certain things, that he boldly stated, "God is not a bleeping (you know the word) vending machine!" Needless to say he was correct in his pronouncement, but his delivery could have been a little less colorful. Still you get the message clearly, as did the shocked people in the church!
I am sharing these stories with you, because my heart is heavy when I see people give up, regardless of what they are facing. Don't get me wrong, we all go through our dark nights of the soul, as you know well of me. I try to be very transparent in my writings, as it does not encourage anyone if we do not speak honestly. There is no simple A to Z path to life, especially for the follower of Christ. Yes, He brings joy unspeakable and full of glory, but He also said there would be much suffering, persecution and the like as His followers. But we can help each other through these times. And if we build ourselves up in our most holy faith, we will have the words of life to share with the hurting ones whose paths we cross each day if we lift up our eyes to look around and see, then respond.
I challenge you to become an observer of those God puts in your path as you are walking down a busy sidewalk in the city, as you ride your bicycle down a country road, or as you pick up a newspaper and read the local news. Our world is in such dire straights! Please help me pray for our world, beginning in our own back yards. Allow God to break your hearts for what breaks His, and allow Him to give you eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to intercede for our lost and dying world.
And like the Good Samaritan let's cross the road of our comfort zones and offer hope to the one on the other side. One day it could be you or me.
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