Each day brings it's own interesting mayhem of one form or another. That's not always a bad thing as mayhem can be exhilarating at times. Depends on if it's idiocy or something akin to just plain fun. Now I know that doesn't make sense, but then sometimes my way of thinking isn't logical. Besides which I am extremely tired after having gotten up at 4 am this morning. Why did I get up so early, you ask? Well I had to be somewhere by a certain time, and in order to get there I had to get up earlier than usual. Make sense?
Whereas this won't surprise you I've been watching dysfunctional movies again or rather movies about dysfunctional personalities. Basically a story about a messed up mother who raised a child to be different because she was isolated from living life. The daughter meets this guy who works at the mental hospital where the child now woman is placed once the psychotic mother dies. It's an interesting look at misdiagnoses and down on their luck losers who haven't really found a good reason to change before. Now does that peak your interest or what! It actually was a very good movie with a surprisingly great ending. But I'm not sharing any more than that.
I meet many people in my line of work, many who fit into these categories of misfit toys. It's sad, yes; discouraging, often; yet things can happen. Good things that help turn a life around. It takes one who thinks outside of the box to work with people suffering from mental illness or mental dis-ease. I understand it well. And there's hope. I love happy endings.
So today I am grateful that there are happy endings, and there is someone for everyone if we are patient and wait. That should encourage someone, I'm hoping!
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