Today in my walk through the Bible the topic and reading discussed the roles of the Levite clans in caring for the Temple. They had certain responsibilities and requirements, so knowing their specific jobs meant the difference between life and death. The consequences of disobedience, carelessness, or disregard were very costly. With all things there are consequences to our actions. Personally I take my responsibilities very seriously as lives are involved...the lives of precious people who are valued and loved. I don't compromise, and I don't play games. I own up to my mistakes, and I expect others to do the same. Hence I am paying a different price. I have the hound of hell on my heels, but I'd rather have him on my heels than the heels of those who do not understand that he is the villain. We are in a spiritual battle, and it is about life and death.
The closer the walk with Jesus, the greater the trials in these present days and those to come. This causes fear to many, but it should not be so. Forewarned is forearmed, and God has enabled us, given us the weapons of our warfare. Chapter 6 of Ephesians tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal...they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, it is spiritual. It may come in the package of another human being, but the driving force behind all of it is satan. We have a responsibility as Christians to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman who is not ashamed but who rightly divides the word of truth. We are told to put on the whole armor of God, and having done all STAND.
I encourage you today, as I encourage myself, to keep the armor well oiled with prayer. Prayer is the key. God is always with us, and He has given us the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within each believer in Christ. The word says that Jesus makes intercession for us, and I for one hold fast to this promise, this truth. Please do not lose faith, do not despair, because if we stand firm to the end the rewards will be so much better. I am living to hear the words "well done my good and faithful servant, enter in." I pray I can stand the test and rise victoriously in spite of what may come.

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