Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 52 - Rest

Today was an unexpected blessing for which I am truly grateful.  I haven't been feeling well, so I lounged around today doing very little. I guess the exhaustion caught up to me. That and whatever "bug" tried to crawl my way.

I have a friend who tells me I need to rest up, and I guess his wish came true. I slept until 5 pm, and I could have slept some more, but I needed to get some work out of the way.  I was amazed that most of it was already done, and I just had to update a few things.  Thank you, Lord!

I have decided that I need to re-establish some boundaries and priorities in my life, because it's what's most important in my life. I want my focus clear. That requires some discipline on my part, as it is my responsibility to be the best that I can be.  Everything I do, everything I say, the way I live my life should show my love for the Lord. Sometimes we have to slow down before we can recognize the most important things.

It's not that I've forgotten the important things, but I do tend to spend way too much of my personal time working at things that although important or necessary can wait another day. 

Thank you, Lord for the time we spent today, resting and sharing. You are the light of my life.

Once more I am heading off to restful slumber. Tomorrow is another day to praise the Lord!

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