Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 38 - Lions Not Kittens

I was reminded by a dear friend this week that as we await the return of Jesus we need to re-examine our lives to determine where we truly stand during this age of tests, struggles, and persecution. The closer you purpose to draw closer to the Lord in your walk, the greater trials you will face. Whereas we don't really consider this a joyful way to experience life, nonetheless, it can be reassuring to our souls that our voice is being heard for righteousness. "Godliness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34)

Awhile back I posted an image of kittens walking into the prayer room, yet emerging victorious as lions! And so we are called to be. In these ominous days of disrespect and lawlessness in government, institutions, schools, and especially in our homes where it all begins with simple lessons  of honor, respect, integrity and consequences, prayer is the key to change.

Even in our churches we see blatant disregard and disrespect for the house of the Lord and His servants. At Christmastime I received an email from the Kendricks' brothers who are film makers of wholesome Christian ideals.  In the email they sent a  daily list of prayers for pastors that I want to share with you in the hope that you will pray daily for your pastor.


What better gift could you give your pastor this Christmas and in the years ahead than the gift of daily prayer? We encourage you to commit to honor your pastor by praying for him every day and to invite other members of your church to pray to join you in prayer for the one who leads your church spiritually. "Remember, those who led you and spoke the Word of God to you." - Hebrews 13:7

SUNDAY - I pray for my pastor as a PREACHER-TEACHER.

1. I pray that Christ may be lifted up through him and his words.
2. I pray that he may experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
3. I pray that needs will be met, hearts will be blessed, and lives will be changed through the    preaching of God's Word by my pastor.

MONDAY - I pray for my pastor as a SERVANT-LEADER.

1. I pray that he may lead his staff and family with the wisdom, direction, and sensitivity that only the Holy Spirit can give him.
2. I pray that he will offer guidance to the overseers and lay leadership of the church that will bring unity, shared vision, and the will of God.

TUESDAY - I pray for my pastor as a PERSON.

1. I pray for his health and that God gives him a Sabbath rest this week.
2. I pray for him as a husband, father, brother, and that those cherished times in his home and around others will be a blessing to his soul and to the souls of his loved ones.
3. I pray that temptations, the devil, or the things of earth will not overtake his spirit with lies, preoccupation, or misplaced priorities.

WEDNESDAY - I pray for my pastor as a PASTOR.

1. I pray that the Holy Spirit may be the Encourager and Comforter of souls through my pastor as he counsels others, performs funerals and weddings and exhibits the love of Christ in his daily acts of ministry.
2. I pray that as a pastor to his staff he will emulate the grace, strength, and compassion of the Good Shepherd toward them.

THURSDAY - I pray for my pastor as a PROPHET.

1. I pray as he prepares his sermons that the Word of God will be fully revealed to his heart and that he rightly interprets, applies, and handles the Word in his preaching.
2. I pray that the vision God has for our church - His people - will be clearly revealed and interpreted through my pastor.

FRIDAY - I pray for my pastor as an EVANGELIST.

1. I pray that God will continue to give him a heart for the lost, open doors, and courage to share, and make him an effective and fruitful soul winner.
2. I pray that God will use him to equip our church family to be soul winners and disciple makers for God's kingdom.

SATURDAY - I pray for my pastor as a DISCIPLE OF JESUS CHRIST.

1. I pray that my pastor will continue to discover new depths of understanding as a student of God's Word.
2. I pray that he may ever find a consistent balance between the Word and deed as he follows Jesus daily.
3. I pray that he may be an effective disciple maker and when he stands before God one day, he will be found faithful.

I challenge each of you to commit to praying for your pastors, leaders, and families daily.  Please pray for Israel too. May we arise victoriously, walking in the faith to which we have been called, proudly united as "lions" committed to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!


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