Each evening before I go to bed I set my alarm clock to wake me in the morning. The first alarm plays to the tune of froggie night and sounds at 5:30 am. The next at 6:00 am, following by 6:30 am, then 7:00 am. By the time the fourth frog sings I am wide awake and ready to drown the frogs. I imagine you think I am paranoid about getting up on time. Well, you're right!
I love to begin my day with Monday a morning conference call only to start my Tuesday with yet another conference call. Lastly I have the distinct pleasure of driving a four hours round trip to go to a meeting where for the third time in one week I have someone read to me again the same material I heard the other two days. Over kill is never a fun routine, yet it seems to be the way the world handles things on a business and personal level. By now I am getting weary of the new
command of the weak. Yes, I spelled that correctly - "weak." Some things bear
repeating, other things are so blatantly obvious it defies logic to
repeat. To quote the character, Inman in the movie Cold Mountain, "Repeating a thing doesn't improve it."
I am accustomed to working hard, following guidelines and processes, but I have learned that hands on experience coupled with common sense is the better teacher. Perhaps I am just getting cynical in my older age, but simplicity is better and less is more.
There are things, however, that need to be repeated, and as they are reiterated the meaning of the words intensify and bring courage and assurance. Words like "Be strong and of good courage!" In the book of Joshua as the children of Israel get ready to go in and take the land of promise God tells them to "be strong and courageous" four times. First in Chapter 1, verse 6, then verse 7, verse 9, and finally in verse 18. He tells them to suit up and follow His lead. Guess what! They did, and they were victorious in battle...against all natural odds.
Today I was able to concentrate on my daily tasks, tie up some loose ends, and shut down at a decent hour of the night. Perhaps tomorrow I can get ahead of the game without having to stay up half the night. We shall see how tomorrow goes tomorrow. All I know is that no matter what tomorrow brings, I do not have to be concerned. My job is to be strong and courageous, and as He's said more than once, "Trust Me!"
For tonight I am going to rest up for another fun day at the zoo where insanity reigns supreme, and if there's a harder way to do things, that's the chosen way.
We'll visit this thought again sometime, but then maybe not. Adeu...the rest remains unspoken!
My final thought for the battle weary:

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