Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 33 - Another Day

This quotation gets me to thinking about people I know...especially family. My children have laughingly referred to me as a multiple personality, and I can understand that, because I am a puppeteer. Even if I wasn't one, I'd probably be accused of having more than one personality.  I don't think that's particularly all bad.  Especially when all the "me's" are so sweet!  Yes, to those who know me, I can hear the remarks across cyberspace.

I realize that is not the intended message behind this quotation, but it is thought provoking. I guess what the author is trying to say is that regardless of whether we agree on all points or not, I will continue to love you as you. Like the agree to disagree type of logic.

Today I had a "text" conversation with my older son about hanging on to past mistakes. I reminded him that the past is ..... past, and today is a brand new day.  I guess that's the subject of my 33rd day of gratitude also. This morning as I was enjoying my quiet time, reading Leviticus, which is not a fun read in many ways...I began to think about all the blood sacrifices that were made just for making an unintentional mistake whether it be for uncleanness, neglect, or thoughtlessness.  I agreed with the author that I am so grateful to Jesus for paying the price for all my sins, deliberate or not. As I was thinking over my life, which I have occasion to do, recounting my blunders, I could once more hear the still, small voice saying to me, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a anew thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wastelands." Isaiah 43:18-19

I thank God that each time the old wounds, scars and hurts start to raise their ugly heads that He is always faithful to remind me that He is in control of my life. Not only my life, but the lives of the people I love, my children. Some days His promise to me seems so far away from coming to fruition, but then I really don't spend much time thinking about that. Rather, I choose to trust in what I don't see or hear. That's what faith is all about.  Believing when I don't see.  I prefer to trust Him at His word.

Thank you, Jesus, for another day to trust You.

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