Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 35 - Thank You Lord for Opportunities

"All the beautiful sentiments in the world
weigh less than a simple lovely action."

James Russell Lowell

"Caring words, friendship, affectionate touch - 
all of these have a healing quality. Why?
Because we were all created by God
to give and receive love."

Jack Frost

Good evening to all!  Today has been very interesting, for lack of a better adjective.  It started out with a caustic email, progressed to a prayer request, continued on with encouragement to others, and ending with putting out three fires.  All in all it was a good day.  I say "good," because if we are serving God satan is going to be angry, and his job is to try to discourage.  I can say "thank you" to God for helping me to keep my focus on Him and not get angry and upset as I have in the past.  I tend to take my work very seriously, and that will not change, but my attitude and response  is changing.

Tomorrow I begin the second session of In Christ's Image, so I can only imagine what surprises await me tomorrow and in the days ahead.  So please keep me in your prayers.  The Bible study on Friday nights is progressing well, and although there has been growth, there have also been difficulties, again inherent in this desire to grow in Christlikeness.  I can report also that the group may be growing, as the Ragamuffin Gospel is being shared and interest is growing.  To God be the glory!

So my thoughts about tonight and for this day are about reaching out to others, showing love, compassion, even to those who are not exactly appreciative of the gestures.  In fact the response may indeed be a negative one, uncaring, unfeeling, sarcastic to the nth degree, like our dear little buddy "Grouchy Cat" whose comment about Valentine's Day is somewhat disturbing. But I have learned much about the Grouchy Cats of this world in my dealings with at risk children and adults.  Those who seem the most disagreeable, antagonistic, and trouble-making are the ones who are only trying to illicit a response.  They seek attention, and generally speaking, they get what what they expect...adversity, more rejection, and a negative reaction.  When in reality what they need and want is our love, our acceptance, and our direction.  This includes children and adults.  So deep down Grouchy Cat, like Oscar the Grouch, is sensitive and endearing.  Check it out:


Isn't this a face any mother would love? So don't give up on little Grouchy as he needs you!

Next we can consider the other little Valentine character...straight from Lord of the Rings...


 Smeagol looks so sincere.  He is scrawny and quite pitiful at a glance, and for you who know the story of his existence you know that he is not the innocent person he is trying to appear to be.  He is tormented by the "voice" inside of him who is forcing him to go against his desire to be accepted and to give and receive kindness. Evil lurks inside.

So in considering the two characters who shows more honestly?  Who is less devious?  Yet each seek the same thing...again, love and acceptance.  So what is the response?

Jesus was misunderstood in his day, because he hung around with unsavory individuals in the opinions of the religious hierarchy of the day, the Pharisees.  He came to seek and save the lost.  He loved hanging out with foul mouthed fisherman, unscrupulous tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterous women, the rascals and scalawags of the day.  Why?  Because they realized their need for a Savior, and they came wholeheartedly to him , surrendering their lives and hearts to Him. While the Pharisees stood on the corners and beat themselves on the chest and patted themselves on the back saying, "Thank God I am not like them!"  So when we judge someone by a comment  or by appearance, are we any different. The point is that Jesus looks on the heart.  

This world is in a bad way, and there are those who are choosing the riches of the world, popularity, even becoming confused into joining sects and cults, and all for the same, acceptance.  People are lonely, people are seeking, and it is our job to pray for them, and to lend a hand if they come knocking.  Please don't be so quick to judge.  God has not changed, and He does not want anyone to perish.  He will go to any length to snatch a soul from hell.

So my prayer is that God will use me to touch lives and hearts for His kingdom.  I ask Him to open my eyes to see into the soul of a person, and to be ready to give the reason of the hope that is in me to all He sends along my way.  After all He has been patient with us and continues to be so each moment of every day!  Should we be any less patient and accepting? You figure it out!


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