Today has been a mixed bag of events. Earlier today after attending church I began to blog, but for some unknown reason I just couldn't get the script and images to cooperate with me. When I tried to insert an image, it would mount incorrectly without the ability to adjust it. Very strange, but then after my morning, understandable. Perhaps I wasn't meant to post that blog, as it was very "in your face" type of discussion, and I'm not really sure if it would be accepted too well. There's one thing I know about myself, I am very passionate when it comes to knowing God's character. The other is that I want my life to be transformed by walking with Jesus. I have a long way to go, but I'm determined.
Later on today, in the afternoon, other things began to unfold, and I guess it must have been satan just seeing how he could stick a talon into my flesh to upset my day. After all he loathes testimonies, and I had shared in church about victory in the Name of Jesus. Regardless of what he has tried to hurl my way, I will not be moved. That's the thing with me. Of one thing I am completely persuaded, and that is that God is able to do more than we could ever imagine. And when things look the worst they can get, then watch out...victory is around the corner. Satan really doesn't like to hear positive things, as he much prefers us cowering under the lies he flings our way.
I am so thankful that God is God, and as I share regularly, He is faithful. He hears every prayer, and He answers, just not as we want some of the time. But always, His way is higher.
This afternoon brought news of the death of a friend's daughter, and I wonder why it had to happen this way. I'm leaving that one at the foot of the cross.
I finished up getting my tax information together, so now I am watching "The Judge" that stars Robert Duvall and Robert Downey, Jr. It is destined to become one of the greats! Both actors are phenomenal, and the issues touch every day life down to the nitty gritty. If you haven't seen it, please do, as it is worth the time.
So now, after my nighty soak in the tub to relax my muscles, I'll be shutting down for the day, anticipating the 5:30 am alarm and the start of a brand new day! Thank You, Lord, for another day to praise Your Name!

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