Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 24 - It's the Little Things that Count

Generally on Saturdays I'm busy buying groceries, stocking up on supplies, or playing catch up on things that have gone by the wayside since I work such long hours during the week. Occasionally I even work on Saturday afternoons, but today I decided to break that habit. Instead I vacuumed the house.  I haven't gotten around to dusting yet, except in my bedroom, but at least I did something. That makes me happy!

The down side to all this is that I am feeling the wear of it all.  I think I zigged when I should have zagged, because my back and hips are screaming!  A hot bath and a good stretch is the order for the day, so I best get at it soon.

Today I thank God for rest, the feeling of accomplishment, and peace. I praise Him for He is worthy of praise.  So as I close out my day I'm going to put on a good movie and hopefully drift off to a nice, warm rest.  See ya tomorrow.

 I need to read this every night when my brain starts going 90mph as soon as my head hits the pillow

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