Sunday, March 1, 2015

An Aside - written on Saturday

I have been indulging myself in romantic trysts today, visiting my favorite friends on film. Thus far I have visited A Walk to Remember, set in modern times, as well as The Lake House written in split time. But my all time favorites are the oldies written in earlier times, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Being Jane, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility. Get the idea! My friend, who lives beside me, spent her day watching a couple of my favorites as well. Something about the snowy day, I imagine, or just two silly older ladies remembering days of a soft word, a gentle touch, a glance of the eye, or touching two foreheads together. No lust, just respectful gestures of love. Times were different then, and sadly time has changed.

Pride and Prejudice” (2005) helped boost tourism in the UK.

I really don't think there is an ounce of true romance left in the world.  If so the man must have chosen the lifestyle and have hidden himself away in order to avoid corruption with this world.  But then neither I nor my friend have hidden ourselves away, the longing for gentler times remains alive. I really think I was born in the wrong age, but I guess God knows best. My friend has high hopes of a brighter tomorrow, but I really have put that behind me, for now at least. My focus is on other virtues, other pursuits of happiness. Not that I discount these needs and feelings as unimportant and necessary, it's just that I have chosen a different path for myself at this time in my life. I value friendship and loyalty, respect and true love, but those things can be in companionship outside of marriage.

One of my best friends is married to someone I have not yet been privileged to meet face to face, but she knows that he and I are best friends, siblings, and we love each other. He once said to me the two women he loved most in this world were his wife and me. That's touching, because I knew what he meant, and I feel the same way. And his wife knows too.  I can hardly wait to meet her. She has to be a kindred spirit.

Who knows perhaps one day a Mr. Darcy will come waltzing my way.  Then you can say, "See! I told you so!"  Difference is I'm not really looking. I've found my Mr. Wonderful! And I pray that His Name is written all over my face.

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