Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 159 - Once Again

May I not worry about my life, what I will eat or what I will drink ...

"We can make up our minds whether our lives in
this world beautiful and fragrant like 
the lilies of the field."
Father Andrew

I'm always amazed at the way my days go by. Mondays are the beginning of crazy weeks, but just because the day may be discouraging, that does not mean that the day is bad. Nor do I hate Mondays. I think Mondays can be the beginning of great adventures, or maybe not. Still Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and the rest of the days are fleeting moments in time, given a specific name, each with a definite purpose in time.
My mother loved to cross stitch, and she gave me one, that now hangs on my daughter's wall, that says, "Happiness depends on ourselves." I have often thought about that quotation, wondering where she found it, who said it, and what she meant by it. I think too much sometimes, about a great many things. But happiness is just an emotion, I believe, and we are responsible for our emotions.

Wherever we go there is beauty all around us, if we are willing to look and see. No matter how bewildering my day may become, there's always something that is wonderful about it. There's always something to smile about, dream on, and heed. Life's lessons - sometime a bit too much to handle, and then, we do just fine. It's all in perspective. I think that's what our dear Father Andrew meant.

I'm not certain if this Father Andrew is the one who founded Open Doors Ministry, of which, yep, I was a part many years ago. I used to have a bulletin board with the faces of all the imprisoned martyrs of the faith, and I'd pray faithfully for each one. Another memory. Seems God is bringing my life back to me, slowly, purposefully. Whatever His purpose for me, at least He is reminding me of the great ways I spent my time, not sheltered from the world, but very much aware of the needs that still exist. I guess I'm not done yet!

I thank God for memories.

Prayer Changes Things Prayer changes things

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