Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 180 - Reason to Smile

"Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the opportunity 
to laugh. Help me to find joy in
everything that I do. Let me laugh
and be cheerful, so that those 
around me will be blessed by
my smile and my optimism. Amen."
Kim Boyce

What an inspiring way to begin a day! Here it is Monday, and rather than rue the day, I am thinking about being a blessing to others. This isn't the first time I've felt this way. In fact each morning I praise God, and I pray to be an example of His righteousness. But in recent days and months it has been a struggle to just get through the day.

Regardless of how I may feel, each morning I open my Bible and read the message of the day, plus I also have two other sources of support I lean on. And each morning I get a fresh word from the Lord to encourage, up lift and carry me on His wings of joy. God is faithful, and He is my reason to smile!

... smiling faces. One face was particularly glad we’re back. That would

You Have made known to me the path of life;
You will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
 Psalm 16:11

One good thing about being out and about each day, visiting people, offering help in their times of need also presents opportunities to share the love of God. I know the job is stressful, and often I work ridiculous hours - by choice - but I feel that doing the best job I can do is what God expects of me. Not to the point of killing myself or robbing myself of peace, but knowing I have done all I can, my very best, leaving the rest to God brings great joy.

bring joy

There is joy in heaven when a tear of sorrow
is shed in the presence of a truly understanding
heart. And heaven will never forget that joy.
Charles Malik

There are times when we need a shoulder to lean on, someone to hear our heart's cries, someone who can just be there when we feel all alone. I know that need, so I try with all that is within me to be a friend to anyone who needs my ear, my heart, my love, and my arms to wrap around them, assuring them that this too shall pass.  It always does, you know, pass, that is. Not always as quickly or in the manner in which we might prefer, but God can make all things beautiful in His time. We just have to believe and trust.

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God, who is love - who is, if I may say it this way, made out 
of love - simply cannot help but shed blessing on blessing upon
us. We do not need to beg, for He simply cannot help it!
Hannah Whitall Smith

I just watched a movie about a prodigal son returning home after a sojourn on his own, much like the prodigal spoken of in the Bible. And just like that father who rejoiced when his son returned, this father did likewise. I thank God for second chances, third, and even fourth. He is unlimited in His love and grace. He has such wonderful plans for our lives, if we are only willing to live lives of obedience to Him, trusting that His ways are better and higher.

May all the saints rejoice in the Savior who rejoices over those who ...

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