Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 178 - Renewed

 Matthew 7:7

God delights in giving good gifts to those who ask.
Matthew 7:7

It is evening, and the skies have been overcast all afternoon, the hope of rain in the air. This has been a lazy day, but one of renewed hope for tomorrow, leaving yesterdays behind. I enjoyed a leisurely morning with Abba, writing in my journal, making plans, and actually looking forward to the day. That's progress! Last night was actually a defining moment, as I shut down early and enjoyed a meal with a friend with good fellowship after a long, hard week for both of us. I think there's dis-ease everywhere, at all work places, as stress takes over and consumes our lives threatening to damage our days off, if we let it. I for one am a bit disgusted with that existence, and if there's a way to do it, I think I may just retire a bit sooner than planned.

Now those who may be reading this blog who are anxious for that day...hold on! This is just "a thought" I am entertaining, but nothing is etched in stone. I am just making plans to make some changes in my life as quickly as I can.

I had an interesting conversation with my younger son, and we have some considerations, possibilities, if you will, in the thinking mode. More to come later.

Waiting is the hardest part of it all. I've been in this waiting phase much of my adult life. As a child I didn't notice much, except what I was focused on at the time. Maturity...well...age...brings more curious fascinations. Change becomes more difficult to grasp and engage, but not all change is bad. Change is good. Getting out of even uncomfortable comfort zones is good...better than good...necessary! My life is not meant to be a stagnate one, rather it is meant to be lived, loved, and enjoyed. And, believe me...I am trying!

Planning my vacation is the next consideration, so I hope I'll have some news soon. Until then, never lose hope, and never stop dreaming the dream!

Dreaming up your amazing life

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