Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 17 - As the Deer Pants

As the deer pants for streams of water,
so I long for You, O God.
I thirst for God, the living God.
-Psalm 42:1-2 (NLT)
I love reading The Daily Walk Bible, because it always gives me something to think about in my personal walk with the Lord. The question posed today is to reflect on what I am doing for the Lord and why I am doing it.  It is a very daunting question when you consider it.  I don't see myself as doing anything for God.  My heart's desire is to bring Him honor in my every day life, give hope, encouragement, friendship and a myriad of other kindnesses to others, but I feel that I fall so short.  As to why I do it...that's easy, because I honestly want to do His will, because He loves me.  That is all I know, and quite honestly all I want to know.
Sometimes it is easier for people who are on their own, without attachments, to feel that way.  Let's face it when you're married with a family, life is a bit more complex.  Sharing time is not as easy.  Or so it seems, perhaps. God created family for a reason, and we need to love and nurture one another, especially children, when they are at these tender ages.  Husbands and wives need to walk together as one, equally yoked; husbands loving their wives as Christ loved the Church; wives being adorned with inner beauty as opposed to outward adornment.  God knew exactly what He was doing! 
When I was married my husband and I were part of a marriage ministry, and this was a very important part of our life.  Things happened, and here I am alone, but I am content.  I think that is the important thing.  I am at peace with God at the center of my life.  So I want to nurture our relationship each day.  I fail so miserably.  I become so "busy" trying to get my work done that I often become too tired to pray or read or even write.  All of this is part of who I am and who I am called to be in my Christian walk, and I don't want to let God down.  I have already done enough of that in my life.
I honestly want to have time to do the work I feel He has called me to do.  This includes prayer and fellowship.  I purpose with each new day to honor Him with my words, thoughts and deeds.  To watch what I say, how I respond, how I live my life in front of others.  I had a dental appointment last week, and I was talking to the new dental hygienist about how I became a patient.  While I was living and working in Angel Fire I was attending the Baptist Church where I met my dentist, his wife and three young sons.  That was many years ago, and I have never had such a great dentist and friend.  When he came into the room the lady told him I had told her  I met him at church.  He laughed and said something about people acting differently when they are in church.  I assured him that was not the case with him, as what you saw was pretty much what you got!  He laughed, relieved and glad for the sentiment.  My older son told me that same thing about me once.  That what you saw was what you got, that I was the same all the time, no pretenses.  I hope that was a compliment.  I took it as one!
And this is how I want to live my life...honestly, openly.  I want to be intentional in every area of my life.  This is a pretty tall order, but definitely a life worth living.

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