Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 5 - Just Do It

Let your light shine before men.
Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

This morning I headed out to Chama with clear weather all the way.  It's a two hour trip from my house, but I enjoy the driving time as it's good thinking and praying time.  Plus the scenery is so great.  I enjoy listening to Klove while I drive, as the music is always uplifting.  One of the daily news stories today was about a 21 year old girl who went to South Africa and was so touched by the children suffering from AIDS that she wants to return permanently to help them and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  So many people are dying daily from this terrible disease, and many who have never accepted Him as Savior and Lord.  This young girl wants to actually do something, rather than talk about it like we often do while we're trying to gather up enough courage to make the first move. The announcer reminded us that God does not call us because we are qualified.  He only wants our willingness to act.  If we think about things too long, we begin to doubt ourselves and enthusiasm wanes.  The Bible says when God calls, He equips. So why do we hesitate?

Africa has  always tugged at my heart as well.  At a very young age I dreamed of going for the same reason, the children.  Only one thing truly stands in my way now...a passport.  Each year I make plans to go to the post office and get it done, but the doubts or other concerns always come in to distract me from the mission.  That's the way it goes in life.  We become too preoccupied or concerned about less important things to follow our heart's desire, or we worry about our abilities, our inadequacies.  And in whose eyes?  Certainly not God's!

Need is all around, even in our own back yards.  We can be light bearers anywhere, if we are willing to share our time and talents.  Even if it 's only a few minutes to visit an elderly neighbor or bake cookies to take to the nursing home.  We don't have far to look if we truly want to see. The reward comes in seeing a lonely person's eyes light up or to see a smile on a face.  Now isn't that worth a little time?  By sharing God's love each day in small ways we can be the hands and feet of Jesus rather than just thinking or talking about it. Want to put a smile on someone's face today? You might even find yourself smiling in return.

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