Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 26 - Friends

Just got home from a night out with friends from my high school days - remembering times, places, faces.  When I was growing up in Dinwiddie County life was simple, school kids used pencils and paper, unlike our computerized, technology of today that does all the thinking for you.  Leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion, as kids don't know how to think or reason for themselves. Options or solutions are generated from the data input into a computer, so your only decision is which answer best fits.  It's basically the same in the work I do. I complete an assessment of functional, medical needs of a patient, then the computer auto-generates a list of problems for goal setting.  You'd think it would be helpful, but to me it is frustrating, as it never quite fits the scenario I am trying to describe.  Can't free text either.  So I fail to see the good in that!

It's almost as if we try to computerize our lives to the point of everyone fitting into these preconceived categories based on diagnoses or behaviors, intellect, all sorts of stereotypes or cliches, with the intention of making it easier.  In actuality it really confuses the issues, because I don't care how "advanced" we think we become, people cannot be neatly compartmentalized.  Life is complex, people unique, and for one I am thankful for the differences.

In our differences or similarities of thought, people connect and friendships are formed, relationships begin.  From beginning of life we learn to emulate others, adapting styles, changing, agreeing, disagreeing. The Bible says "iron sharpens iron", "faithful are the wounds of a friend".  Again this speaks of relationships, true friendships.  A true friend is a rare thing, as a true friend cares enough to tell you the truth even when it may hurt. A friend is someone who "sticks closer than a brother." Over the years I have met many people, of diverse cultures, made many friends, some closer than others.  Time goes by, we move away, lose touch, and life goes on.  But one thing I have learned is that it doesn't matter how many years it has been since you've seen each other, a true friend is a friend forever.

I have been struggling with whether I can return home after so many years of being away.  Change gets harder as one gets older, some say.  But, times like tonight, being with people I've not seen for years, as if it was just yesterday, make me believe I can come home.  So my lesson for today is about possibilities for tomorrow.  At least I know I have the support of some pretty great people! Thanks, guys!

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