Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 30 - Thank You, Lord

Wasn't able to sleep last night as I was in much pain.  It has been awhile since I've had this much pain, but finally I was able to get a few hours of sleep, so I woke up more refreshed than when I laid down. Not sure what triggered the trouble, but I am hoping my reprieve from years of chronic pain is not over.  Still in all I have no complaints as my life has been... unexpected.

This morning I turned on the television at the hotel and was listening to an Albuquerque pastor, Ron Carpenter, speaking about the general unhappiness of people, including church folks.  We who know so much, who have experienced so much grace fail to see the daily blessings all around us. We bemoan what we don't have all the while missing what is obvious.  We wake up each morning, breathing, we are able to attend church services freely, we can read our Bibles without being tortured, shot, imprisoned.  We have so much freedom, liberties abound, and yet we tend to focus on what we don't have.  He reminded us that John the Baptist preached "Repent, for the kingdom of God is nigh."  We know as Christians that the kingdom is within each of us, because of salvation, His grace.  And yet it is not enough.  What else do we need?!

I am so thankful that God cares for me daily, gives me a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear, a job that provides my needs, and more importantly allows me to give back to others.  I am so rich!  We all are!  We need to "think on the good, the pure, the lovely, the things of a good report...if there is any virtue, any praise, think on these things" rather than focusing on what we don't have, what we want.  He makes sure we have all we need, and then some, as long as we put Him first..."Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then...!"  

I had to ask God to forgive me, because I wasn't looking forward to returning to work tomorrow, but I should be thanking him that I have a job to return to, that I am physically and mentally able to work, and that people count on me, trust me, respect me, because they know I am His.  God has given me an amazing opportunity, a mission field ripe for harvest, and I get to meet Him every day in this field of plenty.  So I say, "Thank You, Father, for entrusting me with this great wealth of souls who desperately need to know they have a Savior who loves them and who came to set them free."

Praying you have a wonderful rest of the day and that your Monday begins with a Hallelujah!

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