Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day 2 - Donkeys can Speak!

 We know that God causes everything to work together 
for the good of those who love God and are called 
according to His purpose for them.
Romans 8:28 (NLT)


Have you ever felt like your life is small?  As if it has no true purpose or meaning?  Insignificant?  I guess it is normal for one to wonder at times if anything we say or do really impacts life.  I often find myself thinking about how my life has played out thus far in relation to how I thought it was supposed to be when I was growing up.  I imagined things much differently.  I never dreamed grandiose accomplishments, just of a simple life of service to others.   And yet, regardless of the twists and turns, I feel I have lived an amazing life in ways I never dreamed possible.  I feel privileged to have walked the path of God's choosing, regardless of my mistakes.

So here I am at Day 2 of my challenge thinking about how today will prepare me for tomorrow.  Although it is early in the day I have already realized that my life does speak.  Yesterday when put to the test I was able to speak a truth that broke through the barriers of intellect and hit home.  What that tells me is that once again God can use donkeys!  In case you may not recall the Bible story, God once used Balaam's donkey to speak to him to avoid disaster.  So when the Bible says "God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow" take it to  heart.

The interesting thing about it is that I really don't remember the exact question I was asked, and I don't recall my exact response.  I just know that today I found out that God had worked one more miracle for someone I love.  So I am grateful that my life is not a "cliche" of Bible verses I have memorized as a child and use when it is convenient, but that my words are God's words of life, and my life has been seen by others. Regardless of the ups and downs, slips and falls, I have overcome and stand steadfastly planted in these truths.  My life speaks positively, so it must have value.  So I once more say, "Thank You, Father for using me in someone's life to bring purpose and meaning at a time of need.  And teach me to never doubt your love for me and to always trust you."

Tomorrow the battle will come.  How shall I respond?  We'll see.

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