Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 23 - Think About It

Thoughts remain fixed on insights from yesterday. How different it is here from New Mexico, and yet the inconsistencies are common wherever one may be. I admit to being confused still, how to respond to questions posed about my place in this world. My purpose is clear, as it should be to all followers of Christ, which is to bring God glory.  Why does that offend people so?  Does it limit who we are or what we feel called to do?  It should not change who we are truly, but it should define our steps more clearly. I have always seen the world through a child's eye view.  Sometimes the honestly or clarity of what I perceive can be disconcerting, cruel at times, but always a confusion brought on by a crafty adversary.  He began his deception with the words, "Did God really say....?"  And so it continues to be.

This morning as I was talking to God I asked Him how it was that Jesus always effected lives so easily just by being, listening, seeing, responding.  Nothing is hidden from God, and even in our debauchery, He still loves each of us the same, He died the one death for all.  David was called "a man after God's own heart " and yet his life was one of war, murder, adultery, not unlike any of us, not really.  We murder with our tongues, our thoughts.  We do the same with adultery or deceit, or any of the sins of life.  It is a perception of words, and we do well to remember it.  I want to remember it, especially when I am gong to pass judgment on another.  I cannot.

While Jesus was here on earth, He showed up at a well, spoke to a despised woman, asked her for a drink of water, and he gave her the breath of new life.  Imagine that!  Not the voice of an orator, simply a heart of understanding and love.  So why is He so despised by so many today?  His message is so simple, so loving, gentle, kind, so life-giving. Many followed, lives changed, and yet...and yet the same ones on the mountainside who flocked to hear Him speak life, who witnessed the miracles and who ate from all he provided naturally and spiritually, may have been part of those in the crowds as they yelled, "crucify Him."  Are we not the same?

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