Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 135 - Abiding Peace

No. 068 - The Peace of God
The fruit of our placing all things
in His hands is the presence of
His abiding peace in our hearts.

Hannah Whitall Smith

Ceaseless chaos seems to follow me on a daily basis. I am beginning to think that no one lives a "normal" life, and yet, what exactly is normal?! I admit, sometimes it is a bit harrowing, but I am gaining a foothold on peace and maintaining my composure in the midst of interactions, mediation, and getting a grasp on reality. Today was another whirlwind of adventure, yet I managed to survive it somewhat calmly. Now if  you multiply one isolated situation several times you will get a smidgen of a taste of my life. Hectic does not quite describe it!

I have set my tasks for the weekend, and I even dusted a bit in my room tonight to get a head start on my cleaning. I pray that when tomorrow comes, as my daughter says, I will be equipped to start right in on my two major goals, cleaning and dusting. Then who knows, I may get more energetic and do something fun!

Thank you, Father, for peace and a good night's rest.

 Peace in God’s presence

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