Friday, 5.8.10 - 9:45 pm
This time away has been not quite what I expected. Things
always try to steal the solitude away from me. Calls come in, and instinctively
I want to respond, because it is who I am. People need Jesus, so I respond. It
is what I am called to do. What we all are to do as His fellow laborers in the
fields of harvest.
One of the calls I received was from my daughter. I was
unable to retrieve my calls for several days, as up here in my mountain
solitude the reception can be poor, plus my cell phone is antiquated.
Thankfully, I also have a Smart Phone, and I finally was able to retrieve her message plus others left. My daughter has not spoken to me for quite
some time, as I chose to no longer listen to certain things that were detrimental
to my peace of mind, my health, lies from the pit of hell. I chose to walk in
faith, trusting Jesus, as He has asked of me. She said she had called to wish
me a Happy Mother’s Day, then she launched into her sufferings. Although she
said she prayed for me, she never said she loved me. I know she does, and I
know she’s sorry for the hurtful things she has said and may still believe, but
that’s okay. She is where she needs to be. ..at the foot of the cross, at the
feet of Jesus. I gave the lives of my children to God a long time ago, and if I
trust Him, that is where they must remain. If I truly trust Him with the lives
of those I love the most, the ones I would give my life, then they must remain
in His capable hands. So I praise Him. I thank Him, because He said they would
be okay. Even today He once more reassured me of this fact.
I was able to pray with a friend who is going through some
heavy battles. She’s strong, and if she commits her life to Him, she will be
even stronger. It is our call to arms. To trust Him, stand with Him, believe
the truth, see the victory. I am so tired of satan’s lies. I do not want to
continue to see people live defeated lives. The harvest field is ripe, but we
need to all be busy about his business. There’s strength in numbers.
I am standing for so many people, and sometimes I get weary;
sometimes the physical and emotional pain is more than I can bear up under, but
then His yoke is easy, His burden light, so He bears me up in His arms. I am
not afraid. I will never give up. I may become weak, and I may need to withdraw
at time to regain my strength,, but never, ever, under any circumstances will I
allow that liar to destroy my family and those I love and care about so deeply.
God wants none to perish, but all to come to eternal life. The word “none”
means exactly that….none! The word “all” means all. We must believe it.
I just finished watching “God’s Not Dead,” so these calls
were pretty on time. He’s not dead. He’s very much alive and operative in our
lives. I want to lay fear, worry, and all the evil demonic thoughts at His
feet. I want to rest in the truth of His word, His promises. I want to live a
life of victory in Christ my Lord, and I want to share that truth, that joy
with others.
When I return to work on Monday I want to start with new
found strength that comes from knowing He is in control, and any battle we face
is not ours, but His. We ready ourselves, and we watch Him win our battles for
us. He already has, as God is NOT dead. He Is very much alive.
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