Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Day 124 - Praises to My God and King

"Let God have you, and let God love you - and don't
be surprised if your heart begins to hear music you've 
never heard and your feet learn to dance as never before."

Max Lucado

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I worked long and hard today, and I think I have everything set before I strike out on my next adventure. Going over things tonight I really realize that I need this time to clear my head and focus on what is most important. Some things are already in a "state of resolution," and soon I will know what my next step may be.

I have a new traveling companion with me thanks to a dear, dear friend and fellow partner in crime. She has a cynical side to her too I do believe.  But all in fun!

I won't have internet service unless I trek up to the lodge, but that's okay as I can still write and post later.  I am not going to sweat the small stuff.

Tomorrow I am getting up when I get up, getting my stuff thrown into the car as soon as I can then off I go.  I won't be a total recluse, as I will be coming out of hibernation on Wednesday to visit my doctor in Santa Fe and to eat lunch with two of my dear friends.  Then back to my hideaway for a quiet, peaceful time enjoying the beautiful, serene mountain setting with running streams and attack ducks.  Those guys sure do get hungry, and they go after the leg if you're not careful!  All in all it will be a nice time. It is raining buckets here at the moment, but even if it rains, I know my time will be well spent in the fellowship of the Lord.

God bless you all, and I will catch you later!

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