Saturday, May 30, 2015

Day 150 - The Next Yes

"Like a plant that starts up in showers and sunshine and 
does not know which has best helped it to grow, it is
difficult to say whether the hard things or the
pleasant things did me the most good."
Lucy Larcom

So far this Saturday the morning has been pleasant once I got past the momentary panic of thinking it was Wednesday and that I had forgotten to set my Out of Office message. Temporary insanity seems to follow me these days, even after a seemingly refreshing night's sleep. At least it is only a momentary thing, and no, it is not "age related," a thought some feel it necessary to share with me often. I am still of the persuasion that "age" is a number and not a "fact of condition" or a death sentence. I will continue to think along the lines of the older people I have had the privilege of knowing who viewed our entire life as an adventure, not a getting off place at a certain age. I hope I never have that mentality. I pray I always live life to the fullest and with enthusiasm and courage, regardless of my economic status and age discrepancy.

(In) Courage, a blog I follow, offered wisdom to those of us who are going through times such as I've been experiencing for quite awhile now. I have been seeking guidance with regard to certain changes in my health and personal life, and the stress has not boded well. The writer of the blog said the remedy was in doing for others to get our minds off of self, which is my general day to day existence. It is the reason I can breathe and continue on. It is wonderful advice, because when we help others, even if only a hug or word of support and comfort, it does encourage us. It makes me feel I have purpose and meaning, and it is reciprocal, because I always feel so much better being around other people who are grateful, not pretentious, but exactly who they are. Or at least that has been my experience. My older son thinks I care too much about others, and that it is detrimental to my life and health. But that's okay, because it is part of who I am, a trait I learned from my parents and my Father, and one I know rubbed off on all three of my wonderful offspring.

The other part of the advice gleaned through the above-mentioned blog is that when waiting for direction from God to do the last thing He told us to do. Well, as I recall, He said "trust Me." But, He also told me some other things, some I feel powerless to do without more information, more divine guidance and, perhaps, writing on the wall. I don't know, maybe I'm dense when it comes to following directions. I'm a hands on person, so it may take a bit more effort in pounding the message home. At any rate I am waiting, listening, and doing...until I hear the next "yes."  With God's help I am setting daily personal goals, and little by little the stress is decreasing to the point where I can breathe, open a window, and enjoy the day with in courage, trusting Him.

Trust God

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